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ASCOM platform downloaded - Now what?


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Thinking about using EQMOD and so while the weather is pants I have decided to get the software all sorted on the astro lappy.

I thought I had the ASCOM platform downloaded, but didn't!! So downloaded the V6 ASCOM platform.

So I now assume that I ned to download the Mount drivers - But on the ASCOM site I can't see anything for HEQ5 - So where do I look?

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For the HEQ5 you need the Celestron Drivers Telescope/Mount Drivers

But if using EQMOD then you just use the ones that came with it, (no need for celestron ones). There are 2 options simulation and EQ5/EQ6 when connected to your mount.

I just tried out mine this last weekend with EQMOD/MaximDL for the first time... There is a lot more to the sw to it than I thought.

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Have you watched the vids...they really opened my eyes to the amazing world of scope automation!

Which planetarium software do you use? CDC and Stellarium both work well with EQmod. There are some notes in the EQmod manual that explain how to set them up, but it's really neat to select a star and then watch your mount slew to it and begin tracking.

Have fun. ;)

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That should be fine...just check out the manual for how to connect to CDC...it's really straight forward from what I recall.

I'm using Stellarium purely because I like pretty things. ;)

As said... Have a play during the day, it's a lot easier to see what's happening and so long as you are pointing roughly north and have set the home position (weights down) to start then there shouldn't be much chance of a pier/tripod collision.

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I've not got a cable yet, so will be using the handset --> PC cable. Can I play with it without it being connected to the mount and stuff?

I will be using CdC with it.

Yes, when selecting the mount type just use EQMOD ASCOM Simulator

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Have fun, I use CdC also. I set up all mine in the day several times to get familiar to it before trying it for 'real' at night. I think the first time I ever setup at night it took me something like 4 hours to get right. With no gremlins I can set up in under an hour. When you get your obs sorted you'll be virtually instant.

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Have to say that although Stellarium and Starry Night, for example have prettier displays, Cartes du Ciel does a fantastic job and works very well with EQMod including the EQMod Simulator - I use nothing else! Maybe I just like a more 'clunky' approach! ;)

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