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TMB Signature Series Apo

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Hello to all OWNERS of the TMB Signature Series Apo,

can anyone who OWNS a TMB Signature Series Apo please have a look at

the scope if there is a hint where it is made? I am especially interested

where, in wich country, the lens is made. I have read differing statements

about that and now would like to know this. First hand experience is very

welcome! Please only posts from OWNERS or the from MANUFACTURER.

Thank you for your answers.


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Maybe it's Japanese glass but figured in China as the Synta ED's are ?. My William Optics Megrez 90 did not state where it was manufactured but it is fairly widely know that they are made (albeit very well made) in China.


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People pay a lot of money for these scopes, I think its a fair question. Where the lens etc is made has a bearing on the decision to buy for a lot of people, Russian Maks/ Japansese Apos etc all command top dollar.

I don't think the OP questioning the specs or that it does "What it says on the tin", I'd guess he would just like to know if a similar scope with the same lens can be bought from a cheaper source eg. WO etc.

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Prof of the pudding if it does the job and your happy with it then why bother what really matters is it's performance the 7" A/P Performs as good as the scopes of today and better than most and it is 20 yrs old

Dont let people kid you into thinking that because it is new it is better than a older scope money seems to be what is on most people's minds

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Very true Tom, its far from the be all and end all. I'd guess the guy is just 'tyre kicking'...I know I'd be curious if I was going to drop that type of money on a scope....fat chance of that though!!! :):D

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I think I would simply ask the question direct to the company. TMB Optical have a very comprehensive website and don't look like a company with anything to hide. The Signature Series seems to be getting rave reviews as far as I can see. If the company won't state where the lens is made, and that matters to you then don't buy the scope :)


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I think we can get on very dangerous ground here, I know there has been some sparring over certain areas regarding these High Quality instruments, and I would be happy for anyone wishing to say anything, to weigh their words very carefully. I know it is always nice to respond to appeals for help, but unless you are absolutely in no doubt as to the information you give, it has to be prudent to say nowt.

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I'm saying nowt, just reporting an unnamed source who claims the lens are indeed Russian.

They are shipped to Mr.B in the U.S of A who tests each one and if approved they are

then shipped to Germany.

Not the SS though. Funny that!


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Good evening stargazers,

as far as I know T.M.Back is the optical designer who designes the lenses/the objekctive.

He takes the glass data out of a catalogue of a glass producer (for example Ohara in Japan),

does the calculations, optimizes the design, makes further optimizations until it is good.

Then he sells the design to a vendor or producer.

This guy lets the objective be made by an optical firm and sells the lenses or whole scopes.

The german vendor Markus Ludes (APM Telecopes) sold TMB scopes that were made in Russia

(as far as I know by LZOS). These scopes came with an interferometrical test report from the

russian producer to prove that they were made to the scpecs.

As far as I know M.Ludes bought only the objectives from russia. The scopes were completed

with different tubes and focussers, depending on customer wish. Matthias Wirth made some of

the tubes. There were lightweight tubes and rigid CNC machined tubes.

M.Ludes did sell to the TMB monocentric eyepieces. He stated that they were mabe by "Berliner Glas".

He stated that the design was a old monocentric, improved by new calculations and glass.

T.M.Back was said to be the optical designer. Have a look on this website:


The original design by Zeiss used the common glass types of that era. TMB Optical has decided it is time to make the ultimate planetary eyepiece available once again. Thomas M. Back, TMB Optical's designer, using today's exotic Schott high index glasses,


Warranty: TMB Optical does not provide refunds on eyepieces. Warranty coverage is provided through APM-Telescopes, Markus Ludes.

Look onto this website;


The only Dealers listed are the two american dealers astronomics (wich is unfortunately the one who runs cloudy nights forum)

and High Point Scientific. In Europe the only dealer listed is the french dealer Scopemania/Locascope. No APM telescopes.

But APM sells TMB telescopes. How? Seems as if he can do that with the designs wich he sells since years.

What about Burgess? This dealer oes not appear on the TMBoptical website (anymore).

The TMB/Burgess Planetary eyepieces were made in China. I saw this when I used the 4mm.

The 130mm TMB Signature Series Apo Tube and focusser were made in Taiwan.

Do to focusser problems they now use a feather touch focusser.

Where are the lenses/the objective made at?

This was my question and I hoped that an owner could give me a feedback.

The american stargazer Scott Beith examined his TMB SS and answered to me via personal message

that he could not find any sign where it was made.

It is said (I do not have a Yahoo Account and cannot evaluate this) that T.M.Back

wrote on the TMB Yahoo forum some time before the new scope was produced that the lenses are made in Japan.

On the other hand M.Ludes stated in both big german astronomy forums www.astronomie.de and www.astrotreff.de

that the lenses are made in Taiwan:

die Linsen werden in Taiwan hergestellt!


But he does not prove it.

And the american dealer astronomics does not prove where the lenses are made.

There is no statement on the astronomics website the TMBoptical Website that the lens is made in Japan:


On the williamoptics website it was said that the 132mm f/7 was designed by TMB, but this is removed and it sais now:

Designed by leading designer with FPL-53 glass.


This high-quality flattener has been engineered and CNC machined for usage with our FLT-110 & FLT-132 APO refractor. Designed by leading designer Thomas Back for our FLT line, it will yield amazing results!


What does all this mean? I do not know.

I am banned from the CN forum since I dared to ask questions about why there is no sign of origin on the TMB SS Apo, especially the lenses.

I have not received a mail telling the reasons and my question why I was banned was not answered until now.

If there is an owner of the TMB SS 130 telescope reading here:

Please tell us if there is a hint on where it is made!

Thanks, Karsten

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I think currently their association is with APM. As the SS is nothing to do with APM I doubt they'll have unless they come to a new agreement. In europe there's a french company selling these. I think SCS may eventually stock these as they seem to have lots of burgess stuff as well as the TMB paragon eyepieces.

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Hello Cloudwatcher,

I would say that CN and me were more or less incompatible:

I demand for information, knowledge and like to speak straight ahead.

Sometimes this causes a sort of irritation, but when I feel I am fooled

I tend to ask further and further, contact additional people, until I get

the information.

They told me TOS, TOS, and again TOS.

TOS is the holy cow and it`s used for everything:

- locking informative threads

- deleting informative threads

- thereby deleting critical information

After having seen this several times I took into account that I most certainly

will be banned, but continued to ask for information wich is accessable for

all users, not only for those who are members in User groups.

The only bad thing is that I cannot send a PM to a member who wanted to sell a scope.

Can anyone please have a look at my CN avatar and tell me if my email is visible there?

If so, the seller can contact me via Email, if he wants to do this.


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