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Waning gibbous Moon 13 November


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Thank you very much for the kind comments:)

...I had a quick look at your flickr images and noticed that you have a "Depth Map used for 3D conversion" on page 16. Can I ask how you use that and if you used it on this image?

The depth map (not used on this image) you are referring to was to use as a displacement map with Photoshop distort filter which allows stereo pairs or 3D anaglyphs to be made from a 2D image. For example a stereo pair:


I've moved on a bit from that and have found a way of projecting a planet/moon disc onto a 3D mesh so you can have a look "round the corner" ;) Like this:


This technique needs a similar, but better quality greyscale depthmap and Photoshop Extended. It's good for looking into the zone of librations like this for Maria Smythii et Marginis:


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