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Best in light polluted area

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Hi, I posted last week re: 12" or 10" skywatcher flex tube dob with the idea that I could keep it in my locker at work & use it on nightshift but it turns out they are much bigger than I imagined. Spoke to some members at my AS & they suggested a short - tube refractor at work (has to be quick to deploy & put away) & a dob for use at other times. I forgot to say that if I did get a 10" or 12" dob for use at home (can keep in garage & wheel out easily) are they any good in in up-to moderately light-polluted skies? Sometimes the LP isn't that bad & my garden is enclosed all - round. My real question is :- what is best in a LP area, I am much more likely to use it as I can deploy easily & cooling down should be quicker if I keep in the garage.

Thanks again.

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Cannot see any real difference, they will both collect light from the object and polluted sky. For some reason I suspect the 12" would be better, wish I could recall why. However besides getting 44% more light it will be 44% heavier, possibly more.

If still contemplating a small refractor check the AR80, the f/7 achro, from Opticstar. Small enough and inexpensive. For "casual" viewing it should be good.

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Personally I don't find large short focus reflectors are the best tools for LP skies.

I find they just seem to pick up too much sky glow.

I would invest in a scope you can get to dark skies.

Whatever size you can comfortably transport is the scope I would go for.

Any drop in aperture is more than compensated for by dark skies.

A 6" Dob in dark skies will easily out perform a 12" in town.

Regards Steve

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