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Celestron Skyprodigy

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does anyone have one and does it work?

on paper this looks like the future of GOTO, but does it do what it says on the tin, self align?

the splub says just turn it on wait 3 min and hey presto it self aligns using a buit in imaging camera and on board computer, if it does work then why isnt it yet available on high end scopes and not just beginner scopes? im guessing its just early days of this tech and it will eventually make it to higher end scopes.

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Oh is that the same sort of thIng?

Yes it is. The Meade Lightswitch (do not confuse with Meade Lightbridge) came out a couple of years back. The claim that you just flick a switch and the scope does the biz was appealing to many. Three people in my club bought these. Two were a total disaster area, and after repeated problems were exchanged for something else. Telescope House were exemplary in trying to help.

The third one is still going strong.

The Skyprodigy is Celestrons take on something very similar.

Perhaps the bugs have been sorted with the Meade LS, and Celestron have produced a bug free product from the start, lets hope so, as lots of folk would just love a scope like that.

Regards, Ed.

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The Celestron version is a next generation product. I think they've examined the Meade LS very closely and have made quite a few improvements in the way it's implemented. Of course this is just a lightweight mount, but I'd be very surprised if there isn't a CPC version before long.

I've read quite a few posts that have expressed outrage that such a product should even be available. Something along the lines of "No one needs this useless technology and If you can't do a star alignment you shouldn't be observing anyway". If enough people want it and are willing to pay for it that's their choice.

I've no doubt that self-aligning mounts will become the norm before much longer.


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How long before the owners get fed up and go for an 8 or 10" Dob I wonder?

The two Meade Lightswitches in my club that were a right royal pain were exchanged for a 12" Dob, the other a 5" refractor.

Although this technology is definitely not for me, many folk would love it, so I do hope that the manufacturers produce reliable products.

I'd like to repeat that the suppliers, Telescope House, could not have been more helpful. They bent over backwards to attempt to sort the issues, and then offered full refund against the replacement products. I know about the "sale of goods act" but T.H. went way beyond that, full marks to them.

Regards, Ed.

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