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Hello from Cambridgeshire


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Hello everyone, thought i would introduce myself on here. I’m Stu, I live near Huntingdon and work in Cambridge

I’m quite new to astronomy, after spending hours staring up at the stars i thought i was about time i got a bit more involved in observing but i dont know where to start to be honest :D

Are there many people from the Cambridge aeria on here? I would quite like to meet some local people who are in to amerture astronomy

Hope everyone has been enjoying the longer October nights :icon_salut:


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Hi Stu and welcome to SGL :icon_salut:

I'm not from your area but there's quite a few members who are. If you can root 'em out I'm sure you'll find one or two prepared to join an obs session with you. First place to start would be the Social Groups section in the "blue bar" of the main page :D

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Hi, probably been said but too lazy to read through the posts.

Couple of clubs that are close for you.

The Cambridge AA meet at the Institute of Astronomy on Maddingly Rd. Bit of a pain to get to if heading down the M11 as the A1303 junction isn't a full On/Off one. Will let you figure out the best route.

The IoA has weekly talks every Wednesday starts at 7:00 I think. Worth dropping in as the talks are good and they are free. The CAA have their meetings monthly on the third Friday of the month.

Other one for you is at St Neots. Their next meeting is Monday 7th. Presently holding observing evenings for members and the public I think. They meet at the Nature Pits on the North side of St Neots so should be pretty close for you.

Quite a few from the Cambridge area if you read the signatures. Possibly a few more if they had locations given.

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