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How many eyepieces

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I own a skywatcher 200p, 8" reflector telescope on a very stable mount. The focal length of this scope is 1000mm. I recently purchased a 5mm eyepiece and a 2mm eyepiece to go with my growing collection. My target was the last full moon. With a really clear night and good viewing the 5mm eyepiece was awesome. The moon was very, very close and the view was clear, sharp and in focus. However the 2mm was useless. Yes for sure the magnification was there, but the viewing was all fuzzy and wouldnt focus down to a sharp image. So there is proof that you can only magnify within the limits of your scope. My advice would depend on what scope you own and what the focal length of the tube is as to what eyepieces you need.

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This is why we recommend eyepiece magnifications either terms of "per inch of aperture" or with respect to exit pupil, and always mindful that the seeing places the upper boundary on what is possible.

With a 2 mm eyepiece you were trying to get 62 x per inch (500x). Unless you have stunningly good optics and very stable conditions, that magnification is useless. See: Useful Magnification Ranges for Visual Observimg - How To

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As a minimum I would say 4.

One at 25/32 for the wide views,

One at 12-15 for medium magnification,

One each at 5mm and 7-8mm for the higher magnifications.

Say 2 at the smaller end as a 5mm may be too much for the conditions and then the 7-8mm comes in.

The above would I think be OK for scopes in the f/5 to f/7 range, if f/8 then unsure if the 5mm would be a bit too much. If you have an SCT/Mak then you want longer at each stage.

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