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Skyliner 250 FlexTube AUTO

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Hi, I'm thinking of investing in another scope.

Specifically, A Skywatcher Skyliner 250 FlexTube AUTO for about £700. This after 4 months from my 1st purchases of a SW ST102 with Synscan AZ Goto and later a SW Skyliner 200P Dob. I love observing with the Dob so easy to use and set up. Love the goto when trouble free (alas not often). I wish I could start again but then I wouldn't know what I know now.

Wot I'm after is a good ol' light bucket that can track so I can use me webcam for imaging planets & DSO's while having a sturdy and dependable piece of kit that will last through my learning (maybe a long while).:D

Does anyone know if my Synscan HS is useable with the Skyliner Auto?

Thanks, CHRIS

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Chris - have a search for threads about upgrading the auto to Goto. There is lots of useful info from the guys who have done it. I used it when researching whether to get that very same scope :-)

Your biggest problem will be sourcing a supplier who has the scope. Skywatcher has discontinued it. I rang and emailed about a dozen suppliers last month. Some claimed they could get it then failed to answer when I asked them were they sure. Flo was most helpful.

I had my heart set on the 250 so ended up pumping an extra £215 and bought the goto. I love it :-D

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Your right. I'm glad you said that. Twas 765+50 Euro not 675. Daft old man that I am.

I have a Synscan AZ already but the handset's just died on me and out of warranty so I'm reluctant to go that way again. If I do decide to get the 250P GOTO then there's a chance the handset will do for both. Astronomia can get one for £999 but that's a lotta dosh to me these days.

Thanks for your help I may well have fallen in a hole there.

Best Regards,


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Chris - I am what we might call thrifty, so did a lot of research on prices. The cheapest supplier for the goto was Opticstar (see link below). They wanted £915 all inclusive and throw in £20 worth of free gift, you can either take the item on offer or choose something more expensive and pay the extra. I went for a laser collimator and so glad I did as it makes set up nice and simple, well worth the additional £20.

I ordered on a Wednesday morning and the scope was delivered at lunchtime on the Friday, the freebie arrived on the Thursday. It was great service and value. Saving the £84 helped sweeten the deal with Mrs Seedy :icon_salut:

Sky-Watcher Skyliner-250PX FlexTube SynScan dobsonian telescope.

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Right - when it arrives we can exchange tips on getting it set up :icon_salut:

I was so lucky to have a couple of good days when mine arrived but have hardly had a chance to work out how to use it since. Going from a scope with only RA & DEC motors to full Goto is a bit mind boggling.

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What I'm looking forward to is being able to shove it somewhere close and letting Synscan take it from there. It'll be interesting to see whether the Handset will also work on my other Synscan AZ setup. A bonus if it does. Let me know how you get on.

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