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EQ5 Modification

Neil McRae

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I have an EQ5 mount and a SW200P mounted on it.

I understand that the mount is at its limits weight wise for astro imaging.

Is it possible to "modify" the mount without having to purchase a HEQ5 or EQ6.

What I am in a roundabout way asking is what are the differences between the EQ5 and HEQ5 i.e do they have a different gearbox or stronger motors etc. and can you just modify the EQ5 by changing some parts :)?


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AFAIK the EQ5 and CG5 mount heads are the same. The CG5 has the 2" tripod and a weight limit of 35lbs (~16kg). Upgrading the tripod is the only way to improve without a complete upgrade.

I know from experience that the 2" tripod makes a huge difference compared to the old 1.5" (black eq5) version, but I don't know how the 1.75" tripod compares.

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If you are thinking about astrophotography, cheapest way to do is sell your SW200P and buy something smaller (SW150 or SW130). Weight of 200p+counterweights is well too much for this small mount. You can also take mount apart, clean and re-grease all moving parts and remove all slacks between motors and gears. In my case it has helped a lot! PE was reduced from +-35 arc sec to +-18 arc sec, but I am using small WO72 refractor, so weight is no problem here.

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everyone so far is correct. either flog the eq5 and get a heq5, or flog the 200 and get a 150. i got bamus's 200 in the summer! still going strong bamus, some cracking views :)

trouble with the 150 tho is some of them dont have enough 'in travel' on the focuser when attaching a dslr, and buying a low profile focusser can cost a fair bit so you'd b wiser to put that money towards a heq5. you could always try to mod the focusser yourself of course, but then remember that 200mm will gather more light than a 150 anyhow, and will alwaysd give better visuals.

conclusion - get heq5

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I have an EQ5 mount and a SW200P mounted on it.

I understand that the mount is at its limits weight wise for astro imaging.

Is it possible to "modify" the mount without having to purchase a HEQ5 or EQ6.

What I am in a roundabout way asking is what are the differences between the EQ5 and HEQ5 i.e do they have a different gearbox or stronger motors etc. and can you just modify the EQ5 by changing some parts :)?


Neil, having gone through this process I have to concur with the other posters in that your best bet is to sell the EQ5 and purchase a new HEQ5.

The HEQ5 is substantially larger and more solid. The synscan / syntrek motors in the HEQ5 are effectively twice as precise than the EQ5's, with 64 microsteps against 32 for the EQ5. The motors are contained inside the mount on the HEQ5 along with the controller board, and you would have to modify the EQ5 drastically to try and accommodate this. - But then you would have spent £300 on the motor upgrade to start with before you tried the modification. - In a nutshell I personally don't think you would be able to do it, and if you could it still wouldn't be able to take the additional weight you are looking for,

My HEQ5 handles the 200p, the ST80, QHY5 camera, Canon 400D and all the cables just fine. I'm still tweaking my mount balance and alignment but managed to get 20min guided exposure the other day, which is way above what the LP sky where I'm based will support.

Hope that helps - Oh and there ahve been quite a few HEQ5's popping up on the For Sale section of late.. some around £500 which is a real bargain

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adding to what malc-c jsut said: if you only want the mount for its stabiility and not for the goto, then buy the cheapest standard version and mod the handset for an st-4 port for ~20 quid. kit available online, just need a soldering iron.

might seem like hard work and more effort, but for 40 quid (inlcuding purchase of sold. iron) and minimum effort you could save youself 100+

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adding to what malc-c jsut said: if you only want the mount for its stabiility and not for the goto, then buy the cheapest standard version and mod the handset for an st-4 port for ~20 quid. kit available online, just need a soldering iron.

But the Standard HEQ5 doesn't contain the 64 microstep motors, so you won't gain anything in accuracy. You would need the Syntrek version, which, according to FLO's announcement, is now being withdrawn from production, so stocks would be limits and would thus force everyone towards the more expensive synscan goto pro version

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But the Standard HEQ5 doesn't contain the 64 microstep motors, so you won't gain anything in accuracy. You would need the Syntrek version, which, according to FLO's announcement, is now being withdrawn from production, so stocks would be limits and would thus force everyone towards the more expensive synscan goto pro version

hands up, i have heard that. but i hvnt heard that its a major problem, and it i significantly cheaper.

guess its a trade off between the cost of the two.

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