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convince me not to get a astrotrac :P


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id be happy to sell it, but the complicated decision would be that is it the right one for me......

im rather fond of my coulter:P n i havent used the samsung properly yet :)

mmmm i think i will get it, i guess i'll have plenty of time this month to "sell stuff" to make up for the loss in my wage:P

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The Astrotrac is quite a specialised tool.

Its really designed as a very lightweight mount for air travel and where you need to trek a fair distance from your car. its not a solution for all. :)

If you can see one in the flesh all the better or if FLO are renting them than that might be a better option.

Its not a cheap but serves a specific purpose. :)

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I have no problem with short focal length widefield stuff on my EQ3-2. Standard not Pro. Up to 5min at 200mm. Is there something wrong with yours? You said you couldn't get it working.

I know this isn't widefield but it's unguided at 750mm focal length with an unmodded camera.


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noooo its ok peter i want every ones views on this how ever good or bad, the more bad ones the better too :)

what do u mean by essentials peter?

that is a cracking pic rik

ye i found for starters the "goto" never wanted to play properly, and the tracking was never that good, althrough i havent used it resently and i guess i have come along alot better the last few months since i got the kson n did things properly now iv listened to every ones advice on here

iv considered the barn door, but im not a diy person really, i struggle to "imagine" what i want on paper cos of the dyslexia :)

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I have heard a few people say the tracking accuracy of the EQ3's is a bit hit and miss, but mine's great. I was just lucky I suppose.

Can't help with the GoTo I am afraid, still learning myself with the NEQ6. Did you input the date properly? You have to enter it the wrong way round with the month first.

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yee i did it all, it worked once, and i had a great night till the dew came, but most times i used i i neally kicked the damm thing:P the kson is a fantastic one, but i struggle to get anything more than about 5 mins out of it cos of pediodic error as u cant guide with it :) more than likely im still doing somthing wrong:P but the astrotrac is litterly press button nd its away.... much eaiser:P

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Astrotrac, substantial tripod, polarscope, Geared head (or wedge) to mount astrotrack on the tripod , Ballhead for camera... basically everything you get in £900+ kit...

If you need the ultimate in portability then its undoubtedly the way to go .. I don't so saved the cash... but not as much as I would of buy building a barndoor tracker

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Gaz, find out where or what is going wrong with your mount first. if then you still want to do it sell them and get the astrotrack do it. but don't change because you find yourself stugling there are enough of us close by you to see if we can assist.

my first scope was an etx 90 could never get the thing to track or go any where close so i sold it the new owner is still using it and it works fine and gives her no problems at all. it was just me running and tripping over before i could walk again.

that will then cost you nothing, you will have to sell nothing you don't want to, well not yet anyway. and to boot you will get a better understanding of GEM mounts and go to ready for the next and bigger mount in a years time. trust me we have all been there.

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well this is what my idea was going to be

tripod - the ksons tripod

polar scope - might get the astrotrac one

head - the kson wedge with a plate with a bolt screw for astrotrac

iv got a ballhead a manfrotto one i had off here months ago

in my head that will work but please if iv forgotten somthing or somthings unrealistic just say i rather knownow than make mistake :)

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A barn door tracker by far the cheapest way to obtain wide field images although tracking accuracy will be difficult to match when comparing it to the Astrotrac

It does work out a lot of money when you start adding it all together but the level of engineering far exceeds the chinese built mounts.

I am currently planning a trip to the canary islands next year so the astrotrac will be going with me. I can't imagine trying to take a EQ5 or similar even in my checked luggage.

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thanks grahame, that eq3-2 really really annoyed and upset me, as i was entering everything which i thought right, time date, long n lat all in the right orders (iv got an american set watch, and ASDA's systems are all wallmart so i was used to it all the wrong way)

n it used to be massively out :) the goto i dont really care about, its the tracking that got me as well, as i would understand the 3rd or 6th of a set being out cos of errors but every one was showing errors even with stupid little amounts of time (like 30 seconds on a 58mm lens where the kson lets me use 3 mins on the same lens)

i wasted so many nights getttin really stressed out over it, im used to apple products, where they litterly plug and play :)

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I must admit with my EQ3-2 I spent quite a bit of time getting the polar scope aligned within the mount and calibrated and I always make sure the mount is well levelled before starting. I lost a whole nights subs at SGL6 because during the night, the little spiky foot of the tripod sunk into the ground and screwed up the polar alignment and levelling. I set it on three little square flags now. Not exactly plug and play, more like faff and flap, but I put the effort in and got results I am happy with.

I am after a CLS clip filter next then the EQ3 becomes my travel imaging mount proper. At the moment is used for white light solar and my son uses it with the Skymax to look at the moon. (strange boy).

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iv looked a fair bit at "barn door" trackers

namely this one

Dave Trott - Double Arm Barn Door

the one that interests me is the double arm type 4, but it dosent give any sizes of the wood / screws ect needed (i should say it most likely does but at times words become a blur to me :'(....)

edit ( i must be blind i just came across these instructions for type 4:P http://education.jlab.org/tracker/index.html)

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ok iv found the perfect astrotrac on my wanted add on Astrobuyandsell :D

now iv got the tripod and wedge sorted and when i receie the AT i will be getting a "plate" made to attach it too

but i do have one question for advice off you guys if its ok :)

i have a head a manfrotto 234

Manfrotto 234 Monopod Tilt Head, Manfrotto, Manfrotto Tripods & Accessories

i bought it on the Buy and sell on the forum a long time ago and havent gotten around to using it. it can take a 2.5kg max load

would this be approiate for holding the AT to the wedge or should i have somthing "made up" to go between the wedge and AT

also could some one point me in the direction of a "affordable" pan and tilt head or if the second part of the above question was ok, would that head be ok for holding my 300d, the camera lens in my sig and possiably a megres 72 (but not at the same time:P)

thanks guys


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Manfrotto 234 Monopod Tilt Head, Manfrotto, Manfrotto Tripods & Accessories

i bought it on the Buy and sell on the forum a long time ago and havent gotten around to using it. it can take a 2.5kg max load

would this be approiate for holding the AT to the wedge or should i have somthing "made up" to go between the wedge and AT


I highly doubt it to be honest. There will be a shed load of leverage from the Astrotrac unit.

You will want a geared head as a minimum I would say :D


Dont scrimp at this point, it will only give you hours of frustration.

You should attach this to the tripod direct and then the astrotrac to the geared head. you dont need a wedge as well.

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...This does mean that Polar Alignment needs to be spot on.

This fairly easy due to the excellent 3 star polar alignment polar scope.

Interesting coment about PA being easy with an Astrotrac..

My experience is probably the opposite. I have never seen the third star in the Polar Scope and the second is also difficult without averted gaze. I have columated the scope, as well as focused the reticle and objective lenses, and I still find it difficult.

I think most Astrotrac owners get away with poor polar alignment becase they are using short focal length lenses with large apatures taking relatively short subs, or if not they must be using drift alignment?

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I highly doubt it to be honest. There will be a shed load of leverage from the Astrotrac unit.

You will want a geared head as a minimum I would say :D

would the "adapter" from the AT to the plate be better? and use that head for the camera (ignoring the megrez for the moment)

iv gotta get ready for work now so i cant take any pics of my setup iv got at home when i get in later i'll post a image of it, +what is going on in my head for the adapter plate

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