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Jupiter 15/10 in Colour (Just)


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Been struggling with this all day. RGB with a mono cam is a completely different ball game.... Not sure it's a game I'm enjoying :D

Its a bit pale and pasty.

Had to drop to 15fps only got around 900 frames per colour.

Tal 200K - DMK - Shorty Plus X2 (with extension) I'd guess F30


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They are good Jon. Especially jupiter and possibly Mars as they are bright. Saturn fairs less well because its Dim, Put it this way single colour done well will beat mono RGB done poorly. but RGB done well will tend to show more. It all depends how difficult it is to get up to scratch. I can see why your asking about tutorial. I could give my methods. but they are certainly not as good as others, i have no doubt. its just freeware that ive taught myself. its just learning about levels ( as in brightness ) colour balance. noise control and sharpening. Those are the main things to learn. If your struggling. Try downloading image analyzer. you can combine colour images on there. winjupos is easy once you understand what your doing. Look for winjupos tutorial on the net by Rik who posts here. If you have questions, if it doesnt work pm me. I assume when you capture your RGBs your levels are at least workable meaning. not horribly bright. or dim to the point of hardly seeing the blue ? ive done that recently because of trying to push to about 12 meters at 1/160secs exposure. I found dim histograms can work. But only to a point. if it goes down too much its better to try something else. in my case it was going down should say up to 1/30 secs exposure for the blue. its all levels Jon both capture and processing. that mono image is showing a pretty good histogram not blown out, and not too dim. what are your green and blue channels like. please dont say as good as this red. or you need to get over here.

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