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Equinox 66 APO - Reducer needed?

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I have just got a SW Equinox 66 APO - A nice looking little scope. Anyway, I am wanting to use it primarily with the Atik 314L. I have been given a little contradictory advice about a reducer for it.

Initially I was advised to get the TRF-2008, I'd also need an adaptor as the focuser thread isn't a 2". Fine so far. Well, I thought so until I was advised by someone else that this reducer will not be good with this scope as an adaptor is needed, it will make spacing virtually impossible and that and the Atik and filter wheel hanging off the end will be too much on the focuser.

So, now I'm confused. Which advise should I trust. If I don't want / need the TRF-2008 then I'd rather save my money.

Hope you can help as I don't know what / who to believe.

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It has a SCT thread so you would have screw 2" EP holder adapter to that thread so that field flatteners (like the SW 2" non reducing FF or that TV) would fit in. It may be a bit clumsy so I don't know if it's not better getting similar scope but with 2" focuser (TS INED70, Megrez 72, 65/420 quadruplet).

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I used to use a WO FFIII flattner/reducer with my Equinoxe-66 but mainly because I had the larger WO Megrez scopes in my likely upgrade path..

I used to the 2" Push fit rather than the SCT thread...

Here's a link to a pic from the setup with an aps-c sized sensor...



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It's 400mm Nadeem. I will be using it primarily with the Atik 314L - Wondering whether it really does need a flattener / reducer?

Probably not Sara. I had the WO Zenithstar 66 that is very similar and it worked fine without one.


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You can use the Sky Watcher Flattener with it, as the 2inch push fit part unscrews you will need an SCT to 2inch adapter thread to get it to fit.

I did post a thread with a piccy using it.

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That looked OK Earl - But my flattener / reducer is for the 120ED, and I've been told that it won't work very well.

It might do Sara, I used the FFII (which was designed for the 66) on the ZS66, ED80 and ED120 with decent enough results, you can only give it a go. I wouldn't think it would be so good with your DSLR though!


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