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Heritage 76 Dob Alt/dec markings

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Should i be polar aligning my tabletop heritage 76mm dob telescope. and how can one do this.

i am also trying to work out how i can add ALT/ and DEC markings to my scope, this will help me find my stars and points of interest more faster.

i live in a medium dark area, but still polluted by street lights and the large city, so i only see the very bright stars at night.

How do i go about marking telescope with ALT/DEC markings so i can use these instead of guessing where scope is pointing.

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you can't polar align a dob. for alt lots of people use a wixey inclinometer (about £25). for az you can just mark out degrees on a paper strip and stick it to the base (although there are lots of slightly more sophisticated approaches if you search SGL - try "dob setting circles"). you will still need a way of converting alt/dec into alt/az but there are lost of simple devices/ programs that will do that for you.

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