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Jupiter and Mars (first time ever) 01 oct 2011


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Last night I had my C11 imaging Jupiter all night with 15 min intervals. Luckily 10 minutes after I started this series the GRS came into view. Altogether I made an overview in which the rotation of the planet can be seen. Nice to see is that there is significant differential rotation between the different cloud bands. Look for example at the 3 white dots below the GRS in the different images and you can see they are overtaken by the GRS...


Yesterday morning I had the first opportunity since I started with astrophotography 1,5 years ago to image Mars from my backyard. I made one video in R,G and B, but I thought it was not good, because of lots of motions and waving effects in the recording. After processing I was nicely surprised to see even surface details...

The image was made with a C11 at f/25 with a DMK21....

The image size was increased with 300% to show it a bit bigger....


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Truely great images!! and as other have said these would look nice animated.

I hope you dont mind but I wanted to see what I could do, so based on the downloaded jpg above and some cut/paste I managed this very rough and ready aminmated gif.


If you have any objections what so ever i will have the mods take this post down.

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Thanks Hayju01 for the animation, I really like it! I hope I may use it on my site.... I have even 3 more images after the given ones, but didn't have time to process these yet.... I think they are of less quality, but I will give them a try...

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WOW!!! I have had a couple of goes at looking at Mars this season and even in the 8" newt I can't make out a darn thing. It is by far the smallest I have seen it in a while.

Great images but the one of Mars is my favorite given it's not the most favorable visual target at the moment.

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