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Take me to your dealer! (Orion)

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Hi can anyone help me,

I'm trying to find a UK Orion dealer so I can look at the Intelliscope range of dob's (online). Am I missing something, because they are proving very elusive!

I need to make a choice between purchasing a (10-12") Skyliner and the Orion intelliscope (10-12") and therefore wanted a decent look at both



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Brilliant thanks for that, they seem suspiciously hard to track down! Did they originally get a big launch in the UK or were they produced more for the american market?

It dosn't seem to be the best sales strategy, the web's plastered with the other makes!

I keep hearing bout the widescreen centre, reckon it must be a bit of an institution, either that or everyones getting commision!

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go for the 12 "skyliner great scope if you have dark skies like me they blow you away ,the orion seems ok but with the money you save get some good eps ,plossls are ok-ish

i have a good 2" 32 mm it cost near on 300 quid but in my 12" its almost 3d images and just last night pleaides looked mega with a neo filter i could see nebula am sure

go for the 12" its like a missile

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... Did they originally get a big launch in the UK or were they produced more for the american market?

It dosn't seem to be the best sales strategy, the web's plastered with the other makes!....

Orion (USA) don't make anything - it's just a brand name like Skywatcher. It tends to focus on the USA market where you can buy direct from the company or through a wide dealer network. In Europe Skywatcher has predominated for a number of years - I never get the feeling that Orion (USA) are really serious about selling this side of the pond :)

I've nothing at all against the Orion (USA) brand though - I've owned a couple of their scopes and they have worked very well. They were identical to the Skywatcher versions with the exception of the colour scheme and logo.

The Intelliscope concept is unique to Orion though - Skywatcher have gone down the auto GOTO route.

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hey todd is your 12" a flexitube? I think they are such a good looking scope and I like the concertina style truss design. Apparently it helps maintain collimation too. I live near Harrogate in the countryside (which is a little light polluted) but also have cottages on the east coast and in the lake district which even with my limited knowledge realise have really dark skies (for england), so want a really portable dob to regularily take there.

Cool sounds like a good night there mate, this week must have been a real bonus for everyone stargazing, I was kicking my self I hadn't bought the scope yet!

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you must be right there john, no well established company could be so well hidden accidentally! I do like the idea of the intelli system though, its a shame your forced to make the choice between the scopes based on this, especially as I have heard that skywatcher have removed the GOTO upgrade on the skyliner auto dob. When I saw it advertised on an old review it seemed they were allowing you the chance to have the best of both worlds...Not very ethical!

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Hi Tinny,

I have a 10" Intelliscope.

Have the push to gizmo gives you the best of both worlds - you get the help in finding harder to find faint fuzzies, with none of the downsides - no extra power needed, no extra weight of batteries or motors.

The little 9v battery in the controller lasts ages and it's a doddle to set up - point vertically align to your first star and then the second and you are done!

Bought mine off the bay as I found the authorised dealers "elusive" one has an answerphone that tells you that they are "busy and you cannot leave a message"...??? I sent an email to one of the retailers from their site and never had a reply! Think the OTA and Mounts are very similar to skywatcher in terms of quality, from what I've seen.

I don't mind spending time on a Friday and Saturday night hunting for stuff, but on a work night when perhaps you have an hour free, the intelliscope bit comes into it's own - 5 mins to set up max and you are away.

Wish a more proactive dealer would take them on in the UK.

If ever you are in Norfolk and want to see one in use, I am at Seething with the Norwich Astro Society most Friday evenings.

Good luck!


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Brilliant thanks chris

I might take you up on the visit, I'm coming past that way in a couple of weeks. Last time I was down that way I got woken up after a big night out (on a bench) in the train station by a transvestite station master!I wasn't expecting it so what a shock!

It really seems very odd. I think they have a common manufacturer so maybe they are pushing the skyliner instead for some reason (better returns/cheaper manufacturing costs??) Talk about elusive, they are nearly non-existent on UK sites!

Ah 'the bay'...I'm a little nervous bout getting a first scope from there.

My work really is my blumming life so a few hours if often all I get...so when you put it like that maybe I don't have much of a choice!

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The problem with Orion is that because their products come via America, most of them end up REALLY overpriced compared to equivilent - or even identical - products from Celestron or Sky-Watcher. When I say identical, I mean same components, different paint job in many cases. With some of their products it may be cheaper to order them from the States and pay the import duty yourself!

The intelliscope is unique though - shame we pay a premium in the UK.

So in summary, no issue with the products, just the "rip-off Britain" prices for them! :)

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BIG Sigh.....What is it with this Englands pricing?Plus you only have to over the border to Scotland and the state pays for everthing!

Nevermind, its still nice having the option to choose between two good scopes....

Thanks I'm off to take a look

p.s dos anyone else find the 'lounge is a bit proactive in logging them out!?

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I may be wrong, but think Skywatcher are Synta and Orion are manufactured by GSO. Let me know closer to when you might be in Norfolk and I'll pm my mobile number.

Very brave to sleep on a bench at Norwich train station - psml at your station master!

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The Orion newtonians are made by Synta, who make Skywatcher and a number of Celestron scopes. GSO make Meade Lightbridges, Revelation dobsonians and others. Having owned brands from both sources I'd say they were on a par, optically.

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