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Jupiter - what a difference a baht makes!!


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Follwing the advice from other images I invested the help of my better half and together we made a home made bahtinov mask.

After another session it is definately making a difference so thank you to everyone for the advice.



[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]


Frame Rate (fps)=5.00

Colour Space / Compression=YUY2









x3 barlow + extension tube adding approx x1.5

300 dob.

I did some at 10fps but these 5fps have produced the best detail.

There not amazing but these are a long way on from where i started.

Cannot wait to have another go and perfect my focus but unfortunately i have stuffed my ankle and cannot walk at the mo!

So frustrating given that every night this week is clear!!!!



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Many thanks everyone for the kind replies.

You can generate the template here astrojargon - Bahtinov Focusing Mask Generator: Overview

Huge thanks go to Astrojargon!!!

Then i printed it onto paper and stuck this to a bit of £3.99 black card from WH Smiths.

My other half then cut it out with a stanley knife and hey presto.

The hardest bit was scaling the printed image. Because i have a 300p (12") it wouldn't fit onto a piece of A4 so i opened it in gimp and then printed it over 4 pages.

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Excellent images. I'm having trouble finding anything to actually focus on at the moment. The area around Jupiter seems lacking in bright stars and one the mask is on there's not enough light for it to get anything from the moons. I might have a go with a Y mask this evening.


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Thank you everyone for the really positive replies.

Excellent images. I'm having trouble finding anything to actually focus on at the moment. The area around Jupiter seems lacking in bright stars and one the mask is on there's not enough light for it to get anything from the moons. I might have a go with a Y mask this evening.


I turned the gain & exposure right up and tried with the mask on Jupiter first. I didn't get the spikes but i found that i could tweak the focus until i could see the bands and this worked reasonably well. It put it in focus, certainly a lot better than any previous attempt without a mask. I took some frames and they were ok.

However I then found a nearby star (there are two sitting side by side above Jupiter at the mo which i used) again cranked up the gain and exposure and focused on the star using the diffraction spikes. It was a bit tricky to get back onto Jupiter after this but when i eventually found it (helped by setting up my finder scope bang on jupiter before moving away) the focus was the best i have ever had it. I could definitely do with a duel speed focuser to nail it spot on but I was chuffed to bits when it appeared on the screen! Real Eureka moment - as sad as that sounds lol!!!!

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Hi Simon,

Those are very good results!

5 FPS in fact gives the most detailed images (less compression and artifacts) but only when the seeing is very steady, you can use 10 FPS and get more frames and "freeze" the seeing a bit better this way :)

Congrats on the image,


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