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Collimating an RC Scope

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I recently got an Astro Tech 6" Ritchey Chretien scope for a good price. I need to collimate it and all I have is the collimation cap that came with my old reflector. Is it possible to collimate it with this or will I need some other tool? Would prefer if possible to collimate with what I have but will throw some more money down the black hole if I have to.

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  • 2 months later...

I also have the ATRC6 and yes you can collimate the scope using the Eyepiece method but you will find the Main Mirror is set at the factory and holds collimation very well so to be honest if your comfortable using the EP Method then use that method but thats your choice. THEN using the Star Alignment you will get it perfect every time and as I said earlier the Main Miror usually does not need collimating but do check, as an after thought the scope does hold collimating well and cool time is very quick so if your impatient you will make more problems as you go

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  • 5 weeks later...

As with ALL scopes doing a star test is vital I have a 6"RC and using a SW collimator I seemed to have got the scope perfect . But a simple star test proved me wrong by a slight margin enough to spoil photographs so check and check again as temperature is also a big factor. saying all that My Astro Graph has stayed in collimation every time Ive used it

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