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Webcam Question

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Hi there.

For a basic set up you cannot beat the phillips SPC 800 flashed to 900.

Run this through Sharp cap.

Sharpcap is a free capture program and has the added benifit of being written by an SGL member.

If you wish to go more exotic take yourself over to the Video forum.

You will find us in the Science section.

Here you can get all the information you will ever need about using Video cameras which suprisingly are not much more expensive than a good webcam but can do a lot lot more.

Best of luck with your choice.


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Check out Dion's Astronomy Shed video series on YT. A fair number of the vids are devoted to imaging ('normal' & long-expsoure modes) with the Philips SPC900 and subsequent data processing. Lots of interesting equipment mods, as well (I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like Dion for modding stuff - you could give him a Steinway concert grand and he'd change the ivory keys on it!).

- Pete

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* reaches for card*

You won't regret it :glasses2:

I've got the same kit from Morgans and have been very pleasantly surprised at the images I've been able to get. Bit of a steep learning curve with the apps you'll need to use (I use SharpCap for the video capture and Registax for the aligning/stacking/processing.. both free software, so no additional cost there), but those tutorials are really good, and once you get the hang of it, it's really good fun and very satisfying. Good Luck ! :rolleyes:

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