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Dark Sky Dream becomes Reality


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3 or 4 weeks ago, I posted saying that we were looking at a place out in the middle of no where... My wife and I were approved yesterday for getting the home on the open space property..... My 12" DOB is going to be very happy... I can go out in my yard and be DARK SKY OBSERVING... needless to say, I am very happy.... I will just have to DISCOVER SOMETHING... as a veteran skywatcher (over 30 years) I am looking forward to learning the sky much better... I will be studying the celestial treasures every chance I get..... and I am very lucky because the Little Lady also loves looking through the Telescope....she told me that our Telescope is like looking through a spaceship window.... How cool is that... I really enjoy the SGL and I have learned some things on here... Thank You All... CLEAR SKIES and KEEP LOOKING UP !!!

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Many congratulations where have you moved to? I know some parts of northern Florida are very dark, my wife and I are visiting the Chiefland Star party.

(Mods we are probably on the wrong board here, may need moving to the lounge)

All the Best


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