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Seen the sun for first time


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Yesterday arrives my Solar filter for my Scope.

was very hard but find the Sun, amazing, i see two mayor spots, ane on the edge of the discus, the second was a big almost in the center, and surrinded for others

was just a couple of minutes before some clouds ruin it, but not bad for the first time

in the other hand, i was searching the forum for advice on how to get the tube to see the sun, i have not clue.

i try a hard card with a tiny hole, covering the sun with one hand and try to poiint to it

the wa y got it, was with aout the filter and not ocular, moving very slowing the tube, till i se the edge of the reflex.

any help on that issue?

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Great to hear you're having fun with your solarscope!

Regards finding the sun it is surprisingly difficult without the correct method. However as always there are solutions: google solar finder - you will find several options from ready mades you can buy through to plans for homemade ones.

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i follow a design and made my owb solar finder a rustic one



made is with the corner edge from a paper box, the bottom of a cd´s case and tape, the designs was not perfectly aligned but works, now i nedd to find some one in my small town who can reproduce it in plastic

by the way a see the sun for a while, i just spend 2 minutes to point to it when show up from the cloudy afternoon

i try my filters, try with the 35mm then add the barlow then the 15mm and the 10mm but not good view at all very windy and the turbulence was bad, but see severals spots.

then try the color filters and the best viw was with the yellow and ligth blue

try to get some amplified view to see the edge of the sun but not working, may be in a better day

i am so exited, my mother (by the way she´s 80 birthay next week, was very happy to see it, that amplified my joy

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You can also make a solar film cover (Baader solar film) for your finder and just use that to position the sun.

Sounds like you've had an exciting experience...as the solar activity continues to increase, I'm sure you will enjoy it even more!

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