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Over exposed Jupiter

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I am a complete newcomer to webcams. I have an spc 900 and a skywatcher150 newtonian but using an az 3 tripod. I know the tripod s a bit light for the 150 but its all i have so far. I have just videod the full moon going past. Its a bit windy and even with an polarizing filter its full of glare but I can see things fairly clearly. I have now run the little notebooks batteries down trying to see anything of Jupiter apart fron a white ball and once 2 blurred moons. Barely visible. I have a pair of 20/50 binoculors and a couple of very cheap nasty eyepieces which give me far better viewing should I stick to model railways?!

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You can adjust the exposure, hue, and brightness settings on the webcam using the many different webcam capture software out there. Your newt has a fast F ratio and combined with a webcam or eyepiece it will be too bright. For observing, a barlow lens will increase the F ratio (lower the brightness) and make the image larger for more detail. I think those will be easy fixes for you. The main issue is keeping Jupiter in your sights long enough to capture it with your webcam. I dont know if your mount tracks but it would make your life much easier, most people go for 2-3 minute avi's and stack the images. Jupiter moves fast at high magnification and it used to drive me nuts.

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Thank youJohnny. Wrong telescope! The tripod has hand wheels so ican at least moveit. I think themain problem is the computer its apple. All the things ive putin for photos-kieths etc. Sit there not doing anything. I dont 'do'computers I ve got some televue plossls so i ll take up drawing. Thank you for the info.

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