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Dipping my toe...


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First time poster, but I have popped in and out of the forum before. Usually having been pointed in this direction by the esteemed University of Google.

I'm relatively new to astronomy as a serious hobby (9 months?), and I was propelled from long-term armchair interest into actual, practical, astronomy by that time-honoured catalyst: a telescope for christmas. That said, I have used binoculars off and on for a number of years - but only when I'd read something or other was visible and I've known the basics of navigating the night sky for some time.

I have a 120mm short-tube (600mm) refractor. Not the sort of focal ratio I'd ideally like, but pleasing for an amateur nonetheless. I'll be looking for a scope with a little more guts and penetration when (if) I next have some disposable income.

I live in the city, which is a hazy, orange, pain. But I am frequently in the countryside - where I do most of my viewing - thus the scope generally lives in the boot of the car to avoid frustration when I find myself out of town and under clear skies.

I've dabbled in a little photography, with results mostly too poor to inflict on others. I'll get better at it, I think.

Anyway, I hope you are all well. I look forward to enjoying the learning and chat on offer here. And I'll cease this rambling now!

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Thanks for all of the welcomes. Most encouraging!

Hello from sunny Prestonpans!

Ah! The sunny shores of the magnificent Forth estuary. Not terribly far from me, actually (if "far" can even be considered a useful concept in Scotland...).


Welcome to SGL, you have the same as my grab & go setup. Especially useful when we are in the dark skies of Strathconon on hols :-)

How do you find those specs? I've nothing to compare it to so, although I find it pleasing for my purposes, I don't really know how good my experiences are in relative terms.

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Hi NAFK and welcome to SGL :)

When you find the imaging section, feel free to put one or two of your pics online and ask for advice. You'll find some very friendly and experienced people here that will be more than happy to make suggestions and offer you tips and tricks :)

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