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Schoolboy error.


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Probably a classic beginner error.

Created my first mosaic from last nights imaging.

Can you guess the error before you see/saw the image ???

Better planning called for next time, but a vast improvement on my first efforts.

I'm much happier with this one.


Forgot to add:-

C9.25 using F6.3 reducer, and Baader IR-cut moon & Skyglow neo filter

Sharpcap settings=

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]

Resolution=640x480, Frame Rate (fps)=30.00

Colour Space / Compression=YUY2

Exposure=-4, Brightness=52

Contrast=14, Saturation=-60

Gamma=21, ColorEnable=255

BacklightCompensation=0, Gain=15

Each image was best 45% of 750 frame AVI (worst image to be stacked was consistantly above 95%)

Wavlets change for first image then saved and repeated for all others.

(Saved these, so may be able to "fill in the gaps" at a later date.)

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Mike - I share your frustration.

Have you read this?;


I use two things to minimise the chance of this happening;

1 - I use imerge to do a rough mosiacs of the avis as I acquire them and

2 - I use Avistack 2 for stacking etc and always use the "Maximum Area" setting for outputting the final images - it gives you odd shaped frames if your tracking's off because it doesn't perform an "auto crop"

Never mind though - very nice image


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Mike - I share your frustration.

Have you read this?;


I use two things to minimise the chance of this happening;

1 - I use imerge to do a rough mosiacs of the avis as I acquire them and

2 - I use Avistack 2 for stacking etc and always use the "Maximum Area" setting for outputting the final images - it gives you odd shaped frames if your tracking's off because it doesn't perform an "auto crop"

Never mind though - very nice image


Thanks Steve,

I've looked at that thread before I think, but like most things, it'll make more sense now I've been through the process once.

I'll look to use iMerge for a rough idea of which bits I'm missing in future, I've only just got the hang of Registax, I'll have to have a go through Avistack.

Thanks for the feedback, it's the only way I'll improve.

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Hi If the error is small sometimes it can be extracted from the avi, as long as the avi moves over a bit, those frames can be used. if the avi moves over on two pieces even more of the hole can sometimes be filled. Ive done that on some that ive done. when the hole is quite small. Though these look too large probably to get that idea to work. Imerge can be used to check the mosaic if you put the avi on imerge, it will often show you the first frame. by doing that you can build the mosaic as you capture to see if you got all of it. Though when i tried with my DMK some begining frames were black ( maybe dropped frames ? ) but if you dont get that problem, Then this will be your answer. A nice result regardless of the gaps

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