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how many people use http://astrometry.net/?


do any one use astrometry?  

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  1. 1. do any one use astrometry?

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iv been using this for a while and i see some fantastic pictures popping up on there and i wondered how many people on here posted their photos


Flickr: astrometry


effectivly a really smart group created a software that if u feed into it a picture it will automatically tell you/ annotate what you have captured

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Thanks for the links. I can see that I will be using this a lot.

I use it every time I set up my scope - the plate solving helps me to align my mount.

That's intetresting how does that work? Is it the case that you can input the alignment star into whatever telescope guidance (e.g. Cartes du Ceil or Stellarium) software you are using?

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I use CdC.

1. Set up and polar align.

2. Slew to a star (or where CdC thinks there is a star)

3. Take a 10 sec picture.

4. Upload to Astrometry.

5. Use centre of frame coordinates to do an EQMOD sync using the VBS script Chris wrote for me and put online in the EQMOD yahoo group.

6. CdC now shows where you are really pointing.

Repeat a 2-5 a few times on each side of the pier and you are all set.

Every time you are setting up on an imaging target, do 2-5 again for final tweaking.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wondered how you use the information from the astrometry.net site? I have uploaded an image for the first time and it has successfully identified the centre point of the image, but how do I find the coordinates or identity of the other objects as the image isn't labelled. It looks like a great resource if you know how to use it.


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ahhhhhh i see what you done luke,

the "identifying" part is actually done by the bot on their fliker group

Flickr: astrometry

upload the image to ur flicker, then to theres and its usally done fairly quick(it used to be every hr on the hr but it seems to be every day or 2 now)

So how does the Flikr site work? It just looks like a photo album of everyone's best images. Very nice, but how do you get the Photometry information?

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u upload ur pic to that group and a computer bot does all the work on it, (aligns it, ra, dec, an if it can it tells you whats in there. have a look at some of the pics (not the recent ones maybe near bottem of the list as the bot may not have done the earlier ones yet)

heres a random one i picked

Pleiades | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

its not mine (i wish i could take a pic like tha) my pics are there (not very good ones) under garethmob........

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Thanks Gaz. That's quite cool. You even get an email confirming the co-ordinates and a link to the view in the WorldWide Telescope with your image superimposed. I guess if you have imaged an interesting object, like a comet, supernova or asteroid, you need to just ensure that it is in the dead centre of your image to be certain of its co-ordinates.

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