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Skyliner 300p Dobsonian decision time

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Hi everyone,

I am new to astronomy but have been doing a lot of reading and research over last few months and pretty much decided to go out tomorrow and order my first proper scope that I have been saving for.

I have been using some old 10x50 binos and have learnt more than I thought just by using these.

I have read lots of threads on the Skywatcher 12" Dobsonian and I am pretty much convinced that it's the one for me unless I am convinced otherwise! :D I am tempted with Auto version but I would rather save the cash and spend on a better eye piece. But anyways tomorrow will be decision time. I can't wait!

P.S. Just have to say how great this forum is and how informative it has been :)


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Hi Ross and welcome to SGL :)

The 300P is a great scope and a good choice. It comes with two eye pieces that are quite accpetable and a little better than the ones supplied with cheaper scopes.

Imho the auto is worth having as it saves you having to manualy adjust the scope every few mins (means longer viewing of an object). It will track dead center for around 30mins+.

Enjoy the forum :D

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Welcome, Spooky!

It's obviously hard to give advice without more info, but you appear to have done your research and that's the main thing. A 12" is considered the Goldilocks size by many observers. You're giving up a certain amount of light gahering compared to a 16" but not as much as you may think. The 12" makes up for it by being more portable and retaining a good eyepiece height without requiring sub f/5 optics.

If you need portability, make sure you don't opt for the solid tube.

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Thanks peeps.

There's no way I could get a 16". Way to big for my humble shed! Or be able to move it for that matter :) So it's good to know the 12" is ideal.

Portability is not really an issue at 12". Although seeing the beast up close may scare me a bit! But I intent to go for closed tube.

Anyways very excited. Should own my first 'proper' scope today woohoo!


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I'd like to comment, but I've only owned my 300P for a short while & used it once. I'm not a fan on giving an opinion, when I don't really know what I'm on about. I can say it's quick & easy to use & I can see more stuff vs. my old 6'' & 8''. I have the non goto vs. I can't afford goto, but I'm adding setting circles & a inclinometer next. Have you actually seen a 12'' scope & tried to move one? Might be worth seeing one in the flesh first. From what i've read, if you can accomadate the size & weight then it's seems a good choice.

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If you will be keeping it in the shed, you might well need some sort of dew heater for the primary. You may never see this dew since it forms in the early morning when the mirror is colder than the surrounding warming air. Corrosive chemicals dissolve in the dew and eat away at the coating. I had a coating destroyed this way in under two years. The scope was a 9" and kept in a large wooden shed.

A heated pad on a timer placed under the mirror box should do the trick. A 15W light bulb also works but those can burn out and will invite bugs to make their home in your optics.

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I hadn't considered dew affecting the mirror like that if kept in the shed. Good point and some good tips, thank you. May have to be stored in the house instead. Just means longer cool down times I suppose but no big problem.

Well the shop had a 16" and a 10" on display but both were fine for me as far as moving them around so I have ordered the Skyliner 300p. I also picked up a baader laser-colli and an additional skywatcher ultra wide 6mm eye piece.

Can't wait until the weekend when it should arrive.

Let's hope for some clear skies! :)

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Hi spooky boy,

I hope you have some decent weather for your first light. I have the solid tube version of the 300p and I love it! It fits rather snugly into my ford focus, with room to spare for a passenger...just! The views you get with it are amazing, and it takes less than 5 minutes to set up ( It also holds collimation quite well, and only needs tweakling). Looking forward to hearing your review on your new edition. Have fun :)

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