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best lens choice


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I am starting to get information overload on lenses and would like a little advice.

I have a Celestron 127eq planet seeker that came with a 4mm, 20mm and a x3 barlow lens. I have a x2 barlow lens also so was wondering what the best lenses would be to learn the art and also last a while. 4mm is pretty hard to use with the 20mm being pretty easy to get a view on some groups of stars.

I was thinking about getting a 16mm a 12mm and an 8mm to cover all the options. By my reckoning that should give me a broad range of magnification when mixed but I have not worked out the maths to see if there will be any duplication of magnification power.

Any advice would be appreciated. I am after moon gazing and planet observations initially until I develop enough skill and knowledge to move onto the stars etc.

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Ask a hundred people this question and you will get a hundred different answers. For planets a good 9mm coupled with your barlows should produce some nice results - 9mm on the moon on its own will give you oodles of details and a good magnification. I think the 4mm might disappoint overall on your scope. The old advice applies here, get along to a star party and try a few out before parting with your cash..

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