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If 8 inches is too big?....no sniggering please

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trust me, it may look big at first, but after a month oor two you'l start to think its not big enough

I know that feeling !! As much as I love my gorgeous and portable 6SE, I still somehow find myself looking longingly at those lovely large 14" SCTs.. but hey, what's £7k plus among friends (and credit cards) :):p:p

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Thank you, everybody for your replies.

Sorry it has taken so long to get back, but I am on holiday and my internet access is through a t-mobile dongle at 16kbps.

Bring on the speed.

Anybody know of any shops in, around or near Newcastle upon Tyne where I can check some telescopes out?


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There is always a compromise to be made. Too small, and you will likely not use it because you will not be satisfied with what you see, using it.

Too large, and you won't get it out, because it is too much of a hassle to haul around and set up.

I go with those who have suggested the SCT in around an 8 inch size. Even the old classic Celestron 8 was a fair armload, but I believe the "nexstar" designs might be a bit lighter. I is pretty difficult to justify an 8" or larger Dob, if it needs to sit in the house between viewing sessions. But a SCT can be broken down into smaller pieces.

I guess you have already thought that through, but I just wanted to reinforce some ideas you have probably been considering.

Good Luck ! Jim S.

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Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place you could just hire scopes from? You'd be able to try different sizes to see what they are like to live with and find out how much hassle they are to set-up and use. Of course, care would have to be taken to ensure they are properly maintained, etc.. but wouldn't it be nice? It could also mean you could potentially hire a scope for the two cloudless nights per year, rather than having £££££ locked away in a large ornament! :) :)

I know Star Parties and the like are a good chance to look and try but it's a bit different to living with something. Just a thought! :(

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I is pretty difficult to justify an 8" or larger Dob, if it needs to sit in the house between viewing sessions. But a SCT can be broken down into smaller pieces

And that's my problem. I already have enough toys lying around gathering dust, and I fear that She-who-must-be-obeyed will have a fit if she had to dodge another seldom used toy.

Yes, an 8 inch Dob may have a small footprint, which is fine if I lived in a 2D world but my other half would see this whopping 3D thing the size of me sitting next to the elephant in the room.

What's a lemming to do with his disposable income, if its not for buying man stuff?

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I have an 11" Celestron SCT and to be honest the weight isn't much of a problem. As long as you have space to store it. I use the original box so it takes up a bit of space. The problem is the mount. I have the CGEM DX and to be honest it's massive. I move it myself from an outbuilding to the garden but really it's a two man job.

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I'm confused, and have been too scared to ask.

What is a mount, please?

Dont be scared to ask anything, we all started some where..... The mount is the big lump of metal that the telescope is actually fitted (mounted) onto. It allows the telescope to be moved around easily so that you can point the telescope where you want.


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The mount is the big lump of metal that the telescope is actually fitted (mounted) onto. It allows the telescope to be moved around easily so that you can point the telescope where you want.


I thought that the mount was part of the tripod. I'm assuming that you can use any tripod as long as you can get a mount to fit onto it then?

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In thwe Skywatcher range there are basically 2 types of tripod, one fits the HEQ5 and EQ5, amoung other manufacturers. The other type fits the EQ6.

The mount is the mechanical part at the top of the tripod and is removable for ease of transport ets.


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For me the C11 is a touch heavier than I feel comfortable with. I always feel nervous putting it on the mount, when I can't keep two hands on it all the time. It doesn't stop me using it, I love it, but my missus wouldn't try setting it up on her own!

I have an 11" Celestron SCT and to be honest the weight isn't much of a problem.
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