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what binoculars do you own

jango fett

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I really enjoy binoculars I have a few

Binoculars , Opticron 15x80 Observers, Ziess 10x50 MC Jena, Oberwerk Mariner 10x60, Canon IS 15x50 Image Stabilizer Binoculars wp, and Swift 16x50
Horizon 8115 tripod,
On a nice evening I use my Opticron's 15x80 on a tripod lovely view through these cristal clear and a nice wide field
and for all other times I use Canon 15x50 they are just great
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Orion Mini Giant 9x63's... Unusual exit pupil,but I really like these binoculars. They gather a heap of light and have a lovely sharp and contrasty view.

Canon 18x50 Image Stabilised... Now these binoculars I freaking LOVE!!! The view is spectacular, the 18x mag resolves so many more stars in the sky than the 9x's and the image stabilisation works an absolute treat!! I've (only just) resolved Saturns rings hand held with these (true, I promise) and last night got my first glimpse of Jupiter and all four Galilean moons plus a couple cloud bands (ok, now I'm lying, I couldn't really see the cloud bands!). Never feel the need to mount them... And at that magnification, this says a lot for how well the IS works!

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Orion Mini Giant 9x63's... Unusual exit pupil,but I really like these binoculars. They gather a heap of light and have a lovely sharp and contrasty view.

Canon 18x50 Image Stabilised... Now these binoculars I freaking LOVE!!! The view is spectacular, the 18x mag resolves so many more stars in the sky than the 9x's and the image stabilisation works an absolute treat!! I've (only just) resolved Saturns rings hand held with these (true, I promise) and last night got my first glimpse of Jupiter and all four Galilean moons plus a couple cloud bands (ok, now I'm lying, I couldn't really see the cloud bands!). Never feel the need to mount them... And at that magnification, this says a lot for how well the IS works!


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Orion Mini Giant 9x63's... Unusual exit pupil,but I really like these binoculars. They gather a heap of light and have a lovely sharp and contrasty view.

Canon 18x50 Image Stabilised... Now these binoculars I freaking LOVE!!! The view is spectacular, the 18x mag resolves so many more stars in the sky than the 9x's and the image stabilisation works an absolute treat!! I've (only just) resolved Saturns rings hand held with these (true, I promise) and last night got my first glimpse of Jupiter and all four Galilean moons plus a couple cloud bands (ok, now I'm lying, I couldn't really see the cloud bands!). Never feel the need to mount them... And at that magnification, this says a lot for how well the IS works!

They are great, aren't they! I have the 15x50is version and really enjoy using them.


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Opticron Elite 9x35 porros. I bought them in the mid 1980's for birdwatching. They're showing their age now - leatherette is pretty worn but are mechanically sound (had them serviced just the once) and have excellent optics. Probably a bit on the small side for astro but are light in weight, which I prefer. 

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Helios Nirvana ED 8x42's.

Pin-sharp stars. No CA. Great FOV. Light and comfortable to hold. Expensive but worth it.

And now some Apollo 15x70's as well !

"Helios...because I'm worth it." [hair swish and exit]

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Well I have some Steiner Navigator 7x30's which are superb for birdwatching, anything in lowish light, very contrasty and sharp. Looking up at the sky on a dark night makes millions of stars leap into view because of their light gathering although not as much magnification as most folks seem to favour. However, in a second hand/ antique camera shop in Arundel this weekend I picked up a pair of Swift Newport Mk2's 10x50. These I can mount on my camera tripod and they seem pretty sharp but without the same degree of contrast. Looking forward to trying them at night because keeping them steady and trained on one part of the sky will be easy. Maybe the lower contrast wont be a drawback either?


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Inpro Optics 15x70. 4.2 FOV. Really bright views. Got them half price in a camera store in St Helens whilst they were re doing the window display. I badgered the assistant that they would not fit back in the new display and should be DISPOSED of accordingly. It WORKED ! But I believe they have gone out of buisness now.

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Right now just my little Vanguard 8X21's - go everywhere plus Helios 7X32 monocular.  Used to have Bresser 10X50 but the collimation issue gave me a headache.  I'm saving up for some big 15X70's but the jury is still out on this big investment.  So far its between Fujinon and Helios.  Zeiss will remain unreachable for me. :grin:  

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Olympus 10 * 50. Cheap, but surprisingly better than I expected.

I also have a 100 year old pair of Ross 8 * 20 binoculars from the first world war.  They'd be a collectors item if they were in good condition, but the optics are now mis-aligned which is why I bought the new 10 * 50s

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I have a pair of Pentax PCF V 10x50 and very nice they are too. They need replacing now though, being chucked on the back seat of the car after observing with them over the years has taken its toll. When I look down the left barrel from the front end I can see a patch of black (probably one of the prisms is damaged) but it doesn't seem to affect the view (just a thin, small shadow area on the upper left) from the eyepiece which is odd.

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