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Recent Shots of the Moon...


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Here are a couple of shots of the Moon taken last week when ...

... you took a trip to the moon?

My goodness, are those crisp shots or what?!?

You've got some stunning details. I had no idea you could get in so close!

I'm stunned :shock:


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Pete these are some brilliant moon images mate.

Do me and everyone else on here a massive favour.

Do us an f45 moon mosaic showing us the full disc using the C14 and SKYnyx 2-0M.


Im not asking much am i???? :D :D

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I got my first chance to look at the moon last night through my new (1st) scope & thought that was fantastic - but these pics - wow. If you can get that much detail do you think you could find the moon lander & settle a few conspiracy theories for me...

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Thanks for the additional comments :D

Jamie - I did do a full Moon mosaic with the C-14 this evening but it wasn't at f/42! I fact I'm not too sure what f-ratio it was taken at because I used an Atik 0.5 f/r but the extension piece was a bit long. Something around f/6 or f/5 I think. It might take a while to get around to processing it though :D

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