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SkyWatcher Skymax 102 Synscan GOTO

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I have just purchased a 2nd hand 102

(it was advertised as a 130p but when I got there it was the 102,as it was a good deal I still bought it)

I assume I can only set this up at night time on a clear night

Also when the guy was showing me how it worked he used the handset and manually made the scope go up/down and spin round on the mount.

I cant get it to do that

Is this because it needs re-setting up on my co-ordinates (which I have started to do but not competed due to clouds)

I have also noticed the software on the handset is only at V3.03 and having a read up looks like I need to update to V3.07 but I need an RJ11 to PC lead

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(it was advertised as a 130p but when I got there it was the 102, as it was a good deal I still bought it)

Good or bad it is a bit odd, the 130P is a reflector the 102 is a refractor.

Your co-ordinates shouldn't make any difference to getting the scope to move. You are simply telling the scope to go left/right/up/down simply by pressing the direction keys. The scope has no idea where it really is and what you are doing is independant of your position anywhere on earth. and anywhere off of it either.

I assume that before the scope listens to anything from the handset that you have to acknowledge something or press a few keys.

If you haven''t got the instructions then visit the Skywatcher site, go to support and download the manual. Then read it, then read it again.

Then stand the scope in your living room and practise a bit. It is a lot easier to get the idea inside, during the daylight and in moderate comfort then it is stood outside, in the dark and cold.

The only bit you need to do at night is tha actual alignment, you can enter your location any time and the rest of the data it needs. Set up the finder scope, and work out what bits you need with the diagonal. As I recall the 102 comes with an erecting prism as well and that is best not included. So you may need different bits to get the image to be sharp in the eyepiece.

Hope you have 3 or 4 cloudy nights and that the practise goes well. Then take it out to actually use.

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thanks for the reply

To be fair the scope was advertised as a AZ Synscan GOTO with a library picture of a 130p so I assumed it as that.

I do have the manuals and I can understand (up to now) what it's asking me to do

I have put my co-ordinates in,time date etc but cant do the alignmemt until a clear sky

I have however been looking at stellarium and worked out where certain planets should be,then told the GOTO to find them,which I assumed it did based on the direction the scope ended up at.

What I cant get the mount to do is react to the directional keys manually.

I have also reset the handset then re-entered the data but wonder if anything needs "clearing"he mount is being run direct from a power supply so I know the voltage is not low

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i am confused, is this the 102 refractor or skymax 102 maksutov? either way you havent done bad and i personally rate both over the 130p :) others will disagree :icon_scratch:

I think its the Maksutov,see piccie below?

Is this better than a refractor


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As I feel terribly sorry for you, I'll offer twenty-five quid delivered.

I am joking. You've got a nice bit of kit and it is a bit of both, refractor and reflector. Classed as a compound or catadioptric (hope I spelt both correctly).

One precaution, don't go on CN and talk about it, anything less than a ten inch Dob or eight inch Schmidt Cassegrain, is dissed and as your 'scope has Russian influence........................... Exactly the same in the saxophone world, This side of the Pond, friendly, the other side, I've got a better/bigger one than you. Stick with this friendly bunch.

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As I feel terribly sorry for you, I'll offer twenty-five quid delivered.

Mmmm 100% profit overnight,may take you up on your offer :)

(I am of course only joking :hello2:)

I am joking. You've got a nice bit of kit and it is a bit of both, refractor and reflector. Classed as a compound or catadioptric (hope I spelt both correctly).

One precaution, don't go on CN and talk about it, anything less than a ten inch Dob or eight inch Schmidt Cassegrain, is dissed and as your 'scope has Russian influence........................... Exactly the same in the saxophone world, This side of the Pond, friendly, the other side, I've got a better/bigger one than you. Stick with this friendly bunch.

Thanks for the heads up,I find the help and friendliness on SGL enough for me not to wander elsewhere :icon_scratch:

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