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Someone was smiling down on me


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..tonight, I'm quite literally tickled pink by my efforts, even though I had a few hiccups at the start of the evening, all did come good in the end. I usually have so much trouble focusing with the Canon, but it looks as though it's come through for me.. And as a bonus, my first (decent) mosaic :sunny: Perhaps a little too heavy on the contrast. :D

300d afocal, 30 iso, 3 panes 25mm ep and my trusty newt...


Click for a bigger one, then click again :D

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Bingo Caz. You've built yourself a super moon there. You should be tickled pink, and you did it, nobody else.

Anyone who hasn't made a mistake, hasn't ever made anything. This business is a learning curve that aint never gonna flatten out.

As Parker woulld say "Well Done M'Lady."

Ron. :D

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Gives me something to aim for Caz :D

I have a sneaky suspicsion you'll do better... 8) Cheers Steve!

Well done, a good night all round by the looks of it

Absolutely... 8) Thanks Phil!

You've built yourself a super moon there.

Ron. :D

The times I've tried to do a mosaic, and I've failed miserably. It certainly pays to never give up!

Thanks for your wonderful comments 8)

Thats a great pic.

Many thanks Ian.. 8)

I think the contrast is OK (but what do I know?) :D


I totally agree, what do you know? :D Seriously, the contrast is a little heavy.. :D

You want me to work my magic on it in Photoshop?

:laughing6: Thanks, but no thanks... :D

Very nice. But rotated 180 degrees.

There's always one... :lol::D Tbh, I was too enthralled with my efforts to not careless about rotation, I think I can be forgiven. Thanks for your comments Thermos. :D

Superb Caz.

Now yer cooking with Caz oops Gas :lol:

:lol: Cheers Jamie

BTW there is no upside down/wrong way round in space.....

no there isn't 8)

It's nights like these that I forget all the relentless, lousy, cloudy evenings with not a star to be seen. All the times, I've had such ambition to get a decent moon shot, and ended in disappointment, I can now leave them to one side... 8)

I shall feed from tonight's success, for a few days to come.

Thanks all... :sunny:

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spot on focus and can't see the joins !

Thanks goodness for that, I don't know whether the way I did it, is the norm, but it worked for me... Thanks MD 8)

The moon was co-operating last night - very stable atmosphere.

It certainly was!

Great shot Caz really good

Thanks Darren 8)

Can I ask what framing software you used for that one?? As the one I use is a bit carp...

Greg, it wasn't framing software, it's all done in Cs2. All I do is create a backdrop for the image to be framed. Then in your 'Layers Palette', double click (not on) to the right of your actual image layer. A 'Layer Style' menu should appear, you'll see 'blending options' to the left of the box, just tick the boxes for the effect you see fit.

Thanks all for your comments... 8)

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now that has to be your best for sure ,

It's taken nearly a year to better my first one, I don't know whether to admit to that, but those are the facts! Thanks Rog 8)

Yay! S'a flippin beauty that is Caz. You really should be pleased w'that. Like it ALOT 8)

So pleased SR, I had a sleepless night... :oops: :D

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