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Primary coming out tonight...gulp

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I recently flocked the focuser and the tube opposite the focuser, and I think it's made a big difference to contrast on fuzzies, the ring and dumbbell nebulae were far more well defined than before.

I've just looked through the focuser and realised I can see quite a bit of tube around the primary, so seeing as it's going to be cloudy tonight, the primary is coming out and flocking is going in.

This is the first time I've attempted this, so I'm a little nervous, I've got a big duvet to cushion the mirror....

My question is, how many glasses of wine is too many before trying this ;):rolleyes:

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I know it's more expensive but this is why I went with flocking the whole OTA just to make sure and also makes it looks neater. After all if you have to take the primary and secondary out anyway and one sheet of flock dose plenty!

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it's easier than you think so don't worry. main thing is be ready for the weight, it's likely to be heavier than you think, can sometimes take some persuasion to remove and get back in. also, when the mirror is removed, the tube instantly becomes very top heavy so watch for this too.

other than that, take your time and it's a doddle.

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Half a bottle relaxes you.

Whole bottle is dangerous to mirrors.

3+ bottles and you don't care either way, until the next day.

Lol, 3+ bottles and it would be several days before i cared either way!!

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Well, that was a whole lot easier than I had anticipated, I even curbed the temptation to blow dust off the mirror once it was out.

The tube is as black as hot black desiato's ship, only a couple of shiny screws spoiling the effect.

And against the odds, the clouds have cleared...fingers crossed that they stay that way!

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