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Comet Garradd and M15

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Comet Garradd passing M15. I shot over 100 images with the intention of making an animation but passing clouds spoilt that so here are the last 14 one minute subs stacked to rescue something of the session.

(the image is rotated counter clockwise to fit the screen better)



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Was all ready to try and find it last night but the clouds rolled in just as it got dark. Saw a beautiful Meteor passing through Aquila though which kind of made up for it ;)

A really nice image, I love it when these comets pass another well known DSO :rolleyes:

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really lovely, thanks for sharing

what gear did you use?


Thanks for the comments

I took this with a modded Canon 550D with a CLS clip filter behind a Canon 200mm lens @ F3.2

Everything was mounted on my Astrotrac for a total of just 14 minutes worth of data, the image is heavily cropped down from the full frame.


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