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Help! Runtime 55 error

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Can anyone help please? I'm trying to connect my scope via EQMOD to Maxim and/or CdC and I'm getting a runtime error :) Its worked fine up until now. I've reinstalled EQMOD but no joy. Any suggestions please? I'd hate to waste some precious clear skies!!


PS I suppose I could resort to the old fashioned method of using the handset :)

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Runtime Error 55 is something along the lines of "file already open" in programmer speak.

Can you try rebooting, then starting one application only and connecting?

Just a thought - by no means do I claim to have any knowledge :)

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Helen, apparently a 55 could mean a file already open...

55 File already open Program or file associated with program is being used and program does not have access to use it. Try closing all open and background programs and run program again.

You could try a straight PC reboot see if that helps... I'm guessing it might be a driver issue of some sort... perhaps the drivers have been installed on too many ports ??

I've seen this Process Explorer recommended as a way to resolve the issue.. not quite sure how... but...

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Error 55 is a file error - most likely your EQMOD.ini file has become corrupted. Use the toolbox application that is installed with EQASCOM to delete the eqmod.ini file (or restore your backup if you've made one).

When EQASCOM starts it will create a new ini file with defaults applied so you will have to re enter your setup details (com port, site location, sounds etc. etc.)

Once you have everything back as you want it make backups of the the eqmod.ini, joystick.ini and align.ini files (you can do this via the toolbox). That way you'll simply be able to restore form the backups if this ever happens again.


Edited by chrisshillito
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The turning on and off didn't work. I then did a couple of things, while awaiting assistance - unistalled and reinstalled both EQMod and ASCOM (seemed a good thing to do). I then deleted the ini file. My feeling is that it was ini bit that made the difference, but because of the other actions I can't be sure Chris.


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  • 5 months later...

I just had the same problem. All was up and running, EQMOD 3-star alignment was good, and I was tracking a star with PHD, then my laptop battery died, and I got a bluescreen when I powered back up. I found this thread and tried to delete my .ini file with the Toolbox, and that gave another error (70, I think), saying I did not have permission to delete the file. (Yes, I was running Toolbox and Administrator.) Finally, I performed a Windows 7 (64-bit) System Restore to roll back my system to about a week ago. After that , EQMOD works fine again. Hope this might help someone else out there! -- Paul

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

I had this happen 20 minutes before totality of recent eclipse.  GEESH. We had a power stutter from AC power from the invertor in the car. Correupted my files and I was shut down. Luckily I had my canon and a 300mm and still got some great shots. But not much from my 80mm scope setup with ASI1600 = (

Trying to fix this error now - will try the tool.


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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Got it, thanks! I was looking for mention of the .ini file, could only find .exe files on the dialogue box.

Then of course I had to re-establish which port to connect to.

Then I had to reconfigure EQMOD for PHD2.

Then I had to re-set my location in EQMOD.

Then the camera went on the blink(!??!?!?).

I think - fingers crossed - it's sorted now.

Nothing like reconfiguring an astrophotography rig in freezing temperatures at night in your garden, eh...?

Edited by BrendanC
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