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First outing with new scope


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After 25 days of cloud, we've been treated with a crystal clear sky tonight.

Got my scope out at 10pm, cool down before it got "dark".

First to M57, as Vega was first out to play.

Found it in my moon fish 30mm 2" 1.6 *tFOV, then once dark used my 17mm Hyperion to view it at x88. Structure was evident throughout the ring. Central portion seemed decidedly brighter.

Next off to M 13

Well, erm, woooow. Resolved down to the core." Y " was plainly evident "behind" the brighter stars. My mates son had a look and says it looks like Cod Roe. Well thats a new one, but just shows how many stars where resolved in this poor contrasting light.

Next to M51

Spotted in my 30mm, 2" at x 50, but lost in the light in my Hyperion. Not much to see, just two decernible cores.

Next to M 71

Faint in Vulpecular. Easy to locate but its not so easy to pick out from the background stars in this light. One brighter star to the NW (orientation ?) picked out.

Next to M 27

usually fall straight onto this little beaut, but it took a while tonight. Bright skies spoilt this gem, but good to see it in the new dob.

Next to M 56

Picked out barely amongst its background stars.

Just after 12 I spotted NLC's to the north so we went to look at those. Pics in the widefield images section.

Issues with the scope base, bt optically its a cracker of a scope.

Aching for the planets and the moon now.

Off to bed a very happy chappie.


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Hi Eddie, good to read you had a chance to try out the new scope/ I was out with my 925 for 4 hours and had a visit to all your targets except M56.

Had a brilliant view of the Ring Nebula, Panoptic 24mm and Baader OIII. :p

Same on the Dumbell though not as impressive although the apple core stood out well enough.

Like yourself I found M71 a tricky subject and was not easy to make out but it was there for sure, as a comparrison I shifted on to M13.... fabulous sight in the 24mm Pan, I had removed the Baader by now, went to the 9mm Nagler in the end to push the boat out giving 261x! Crickey :D

Also had a crack at the Veil...just a tantilising glimpse of some structure made more obvious when I panned around a bit but want a 2" OIII for the 35 Pan to have a decent look hopefully under some much darker skies.

Was a decent night/morning, no wind, pretty warm ok conditions for observing concidering the lightish skies.

Hope you get out again soon :)

Clear Skies

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Nice report Ed

The ring Neb does show some great detail doesn't it.

M13 is simply stunning in larger apertures.

Did you glimpse the SN in M51?

M71 is a tricky customer needs some patience to resolve fully.

Could you see the central star in M27? sometimes it's easier than others in the 16"I have yet to see it in the 10".

Regards Steve

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M51 was a bit of a no go. Our northern skies where full of NLC last night, see my pics here......


I never seen the central star in M27 either. Truthfully it was a washed out view that I got of it. Still good to see just how big objects look in the new dob.

M 71 was resolving towards the core, the neighbouring brighter star stood out very easily.

Nights are slowly darkening now, hope to get a few more ob sessions in before I sail off to the South Atlantic in September.

Thanks for your thoughts, Ed

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