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Backlash on my new Skywatcher flexi auto.


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At long last, we've got a crystal clear sky here in Hartlepool. Got to use my 300mm Flexi auto for the first time.

Tracking was pathetic, probably my scope not level. My whinge is the amount of backlash on the base motor. I'd say 1.5-2". Is this normal for these scopes, or is it excessive ?

Optically its scarily pin sharp, finder spot on, just the backlash.

Any idea guys ?

Much appreciate any pointers. Eddie

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Base levelness is critical for these to track well, Eddie! Worth getting a wixey to get it spot-on otherwise the tracking will suffer. Mind you, with a hand control box to correct for it I never found it a problem really.

Also, the backlash can be adjusted by taking off the motor cover on the base and finding the nut that can be tightened (to reduce backlash) or loosened (the reverse). The backlash is reduced but it also makes it "harder" to move the scope by hand when not using the slewing motor.

Hope this helps!


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Done the deadly deed and found that the motor housing was "loose", so tightened the two screws that go into the base board. Now the motor is fastened down, its reduced the play upto around 1/2" now. Motor engages staright away now also.

Many thanks for the help.

Chris, the link you posted, it was moi who started that :D

Never bothered with the circle in the end. I have other plans, just gonna see what it costs to get a 700mm wooden washer to get cut.


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