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On my long way to film astrophotography

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Just been reading my old posts, while I was still deep in the dark.

Now I have new problems stopping me from getting any shots with my SLR. Namely, there's not enough in-travel on my focuser to get focus with the SLR. I tried to re-collimate it and pushed the primary mirror forward by about 1mm (the little bolts aren't very long!). It's not enough. My T adaptor is this one: http://www.scopesnskies.com/prod/antares/astro-camera-adaptor/2inch-sct/camera.html

i wonder if this is too high profile, and if it'll make the difference with this one, which seems very low profile: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ae2inchadapter

Are there any more adjustments I can make?

Another funny thing I noticed is that the view through the SLR viewfinder while it's in the scope is very strange. I tested the focus problem on the sun (all precautions taken) and there's a colour cast, and I can see the ridges of the viewfinder "optics". Any idea why I might be seeing this and if it will impact on my pictures?


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But didn't you have an issue recently with the new focuser needing an extension tube Andrew?

I did. It does. All of my eyepieces need the extension tube to get out far enough.

My SLR won't go in far enough. Is that unusual?

The second adapter looks like you'll get another few MM of inward travel out of it, any idea how much you need?

No - good point - I'll try and find that one out.


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Well it seems my camera adaptor was indeed too high profile, so I've ordered another one. I only needed a few more mms, so hopefully that problem's sorted.

Now onto the next one - the view through my SLR is really strange. It's all patchy - darker at the periphery, and a light patch in the middle of where you're looking. It's also strangely coloured. It's optics seem fine. Any ideas why I'm getting this? I fear it will impact on my ability to focus accurately.


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