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CCD or new scope - What would you do and why?


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Thanks for that link - This is madness though - Another reason for my apprehension - I hope that if I do get it, I will be able to phone Bern and he will get all the bits I could possibly need sent out to me.

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My advice. I would not be bothered with using a reducer at this point with the 120ED. No offence to U235

I found the 120ED quite well corrected even without using a reducer with a 383L+ & 1.25" filterwheel.


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Would you use the reducer with the DSLR then Nadeem?

I guess it is habit for me now - When I had my original focuser on, and the issues I had with it giving me star problems, this was really exacerbated without the reducer. I've not tried without it since getting the moonlite.

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With the number of nights I went out over the last year I just couldnt bring myself to push the "button"... :(

Which is why I haven't done it too, I keep trying to justify a CCD but I just look at my imaging log and shake my head, it would have to be OSC in any case as I could never see myself faffing about with filter wheels etc.

I don't think I've exhausted the DSLR by a long chalk yet and once I've cracked the direct cooling should get a few more years out of what I've got, also CCD's are getting better and cheaper by the year so in reality when I do push the button there should be some even cheaper more sensitive cameras out there......thats what I keep telling myself :)

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I would use the reducer with the DSLR you have, or if you decide to upgrade to a ccd camera to a larger sensor in the future.. your going to have a shock with the fov which you going to get coming from a dslr to a 314L+, but don't let that scare you away, you'll get used to it....


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My advice. I would not be bothered with using a reducer at this point with the 120ED. No offence to U235

I found the 120ED quite well corrected even without using a reducer with a 383L+ & 1.25" filterwheel.


None taken mate :)

Its not the correction I was getting at, but the speed increase - even though its modest. I wouldnt want to go back to f7.5, its just too slow for me.

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Cheers guys, I think you really have helped me make up my mind. Just got to see what the prices are in Saudi Arabia as my Dad is on a pricing quest later in the month. Would you recommend an Atik filter wheel as well?

Then I could speak to Bern and get all the spacing right?

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