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Cup of Tea

Martin 2

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Just in for a cup of tea and a warm, !st time i've been out for ages.

Been trying out the new camera adapter I got from Steve, works very well, also trying out a hartman mask I made from a cornflakes packet, seems to work OK but the stars are so small on the lcd screen its hard to tell when its perfect, must remember to take the mask off afterwards HEHEHE.Tried to take some pics of Bode's nebula and some open clusters, just thought, I should have made a note of which ones!! Havnt downloaded them yet, didnt want to spoil a perfect night.


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What you doing indoors :nono: :whip2: Take a flask out with you. :)

Hope you get some images.Ain`t heard of the Bode neb till now.Happy night hunting, while your out there in the cold i`ll be watching Fawlty Towers :) :) :D

Mind you though your`ll be able to see Saturn :x :):D

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