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Thought I should introduce myself seeing as I now have something worth posting.

I joined the site a few months back, but never really had anything worth posting until I finally had enough money to invest in my first real scope, the Skywatcher Skymax 127 synscan az goto. Since then I have just been reading the site, becoming familiar with some of the guides and generally becoming more excited about astronomy from the many fantastic pictures some of you post.

Until then I had been using a cheap telescope I was given many years ago, which gave little detail of anything, including the moon. I still managed to develop a few important skills with this scope such as locating certain stars with a compass and the information from stellarium. I also have access to the iphone app skywalker which has certainly helped me locate things, be it finding saturn or making sure I am actually looking at Vega for my scope allignment.

Best moment in my so far short astronomy life has to be actually seeing Saturn for the first time. I always knew where it was, I could see it with a naked eye, but I could only ever make out two dots with my old telescope. Once I had my Skywatcher 127 going the view was totally worth all of the frustration and time spent trying to see it :hello2:

Anyway, hopefully I can share more successful experiences with you all in the future. Ps. If anyone has the same scope or has experience with the synscan system could you throw me a private message, I have a few issues that you might be able to sort out.

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Hi and welcome to SGL. I think a lot of us here have had a similar introduction to astronomy. Like yourself, many of us will have started with a very basic scope and upgraded at a later date.

Good choice of scope and best of luck with your observing.

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