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some helpfull pointers on using my new setup please

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hi all i am getting rather exited now as after nearly two years of waiting and saving i am expecting the arival of my new baby a eq6 pro and with it a second hand orion optics europa 250mm reflector hilux coatings and a few other gizmos

here is my i have before owned a 8" lightbridge and a 10" lx90 and am unsure what to expect from my new scope and im gonna be honest will have no idea how to operate the mount but i cant wait too get started so if you guys have any experiance with these or could tell me any tips tricks that might make my life a bit easier when in the dark confinds of my garden id rally app it cheers

ps cant belive i actually got my hands on a second hand eq6 pro in mint condition think ill buy a lottery ticket this week

pps i paid 800 for both with the extras inc postage which i thought was a good deal what do ya think

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Congratulations on the new setup :D

I have an Orion Optics Europa 10" but mine is on an alt-azimuth mount. Mine has the 1/6th wave PV optics and Hilux coatings according to the test report that come with it. I'm very pleased with the optical performance of my scope and the mechanical components do their job well enough.

The scope if of course pretty simple to use but I can't help with the EQ6 I'm afraid - SGL has many users of that mount though so I'm sure someone will chip in soon on how to get the best from it.

On the scope I'd say that collimation is, as ever, the key to good performance, well it is on mine as it's an F/4.8 ;). I enjoy wide field views so I've had to invest a bit in eyepieces that cope with the fast focal ratio.

I hope you enjoy your new rig and look forward to reading your reports on it :)

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thanks for your comments john yeah if the scope performs aswell as my old lightbridge did then i should be a very happy man as like they say 2"s can make all the difference i will definately be doing a report and hopefully a good one thanks


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Sounds like a great deal - the EQ6 Pro alone can sell for prices in excess of what you paid. I don't know the ota - but Orion are generally regarded as a cut above most others. So with the extra bits as well I think you've done superbly ;)

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thanks for your comments john yeah if the scope performs aswell as my old lightbridge did then i should be a very happy man as like they say 2"s can make all the difference i will definately be doing a report and hopefully a good one thanks


Before I had the OO 10" Europa I had a 12" Lightbridge. I downsized due to the weight of the LB and I'm glad I did. To be honest I've not noticed the aperture drop at all which is a compliment on the OO's optics and Hilux coatings ;)

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yeah i thought it was a good deal had too sell my children to get it mind i have heard that the oo were good i was originally going too persue a good refractor Williams optics or vixen (80mm) but whoo do they cost better have more children ha ha thanks for your comments think i might have to have a day off tomorrow now dont think ill sleep tonight like a kid at christmas

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I have the same mount and an OO 250 f4.8.

The thing that scares the life out of me is that one day I will put the scope on the mount without having put the counter weights on. It would immediately hit the deck.

The optics are knockout and I sometimes wonder if I imagine some of what I see.! You will be thrilled with it I'm sure.

The mount took me a while to get used to setting up but there are plenty of good tutorials on the internerd.

Hope you get some clear skies to go with it.



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