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Shout At The Weather Sticky

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Can we have a random sticky post buiried somewhere on the forum where we can shout random obscenities at the weather???? I need somewhere to vent my fury..... ;)

I can only assume that the consistantly horrible weather is due to all the new intrest (mine included) in this fantastic hobbie, that and the £40billion being made by FLO every week.


Rant Over.. :D

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Lol! I know how u feel mate had my own rant yesterday, I can only pass on what i was told by the more experianced members and thats to "be patient" clear nights are worth the wait.

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Perhaps that sticky could go in a new "Observing - Clouds" section ;)

I was pondering trying to develop an interest in clouds the other day to sort of hedge my bets :D

Got lucky here last night though and the clouds stayed away for a few hours in the evening. Nice to know that even on the longest day of the year there was something to see at 11pm in the south east at least.

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Thats nothing mate, cetain parties come up with very strange ideas where my scope and its use or lack of is concerned.

1/ cloud spotting, i kid you not

2/ cut a hole in the shed roof and put some glass in so i can use it when the weather is bad, yup weather problem solved,really you'd think someone else would have thought of that.


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Don't worry - it's too light anyhow - unless you're in for a very late night.

Would rather have the cloud now - than in a few months time .......

True but ive gotten quite heavily into the astrophotograhy part of all this and i wanted my drift technique nailed and just get general practice in. Neptune is out (for me) next month not to mention all the things going on above my head at this time of yeear.

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"If I can't see the telegraph poles on the hill, it's raining. If I can see them it's going to rain..." Anon. (must have been a stargazer)

(Confession: FLO will shortly be delivering me a nice new ED80 Pro so I may have contributed to the cloud collection a little. Oops....)

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I got my 'scope a couple of fridays ago. The following Tuesday was clear enough but since then...nothing...until last night. The sky started clearing around 6 and was well on the way by 9. By about 10:30 it was still clear and starting to get properly dark...but by then I was too knackered to do anything. By about midnight after dozing on the sofa I felt a bit more active so I peeked out and of course there was a thin veil of wispy cloud across the entire sky. Bah!;)

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I've been getting my telescopes, mount and bits together over the past few months ready for the Autumn. So I have only had both scopes out twice since I got them.

I'm patient and it gives me time to get familiar with everything.

The clouds will always be there from time to time. Kick back and relax ;)



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it appears that the weather has been more overcast and the seing poorest in the last 12 months than it has in the last 4 years acording to my observing notes. 10 great days observing in the last 12 months. im not smiling. ;)

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Yeah. Me too. Just bought my scope early May. Had a few decent nights when the clouds departed, but since then it has been rubbish!. Oh well. On the plus side at least the nights are beginning to draw in now ;-)

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It is typical, April was stunning weather wise. I bought my scope at the end of april and I can count the clear nights since on 1 hand. It better clear up soon. Im ordering my dual axis motor drive at the weekend!!!

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Thats nothing mate, cetain parties come up with very strange ideas where my scope and its use or lack of is concerned.

1/ cloud spotting, i kid you not

2/ cut a hole in the shed roof and put some glass in so i can use it when the weather is bad, yup weather problem solved,really you'd think someone else would have thought of that.


That's made my night :o

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Glad it made you grin wildwood, my old dads dispensing of wisdom is truly solomon like in its capacity to amuse, but more like mr bean in his ability to cunjure forth intelligent ideas. Love him to bits but the old duffer does make me go W@F! more often than not:D

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