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SGL7 - Dates confirmed.


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Its a reasonably dark site, not super-dark, but still pretty good. As for the weather... I've been 3 years running now in mid, then early April and last year end March. We've done pretty well. First year 1 sparkly night, one patchy and one clouded out. Second year, 2 good nights. Last year, weather forecast was dire - heavy rain and strong winds. But in the end we got viewing on 3 nights, of which a couple were really good, and some great solar viewing in the day too. On all 3 events it was really cold at night though!!! So many extra layers and a decent tent and sleeping bag needed.


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Do we have any guidance about days either side?

I know that pitches are on the event field through SGL but what about the few days between sunday and the start of the event? Last year I did a week with some other hard core SGLers :D

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Just got the goahead from my wife. I will be able to make it. This will be my first star-gazing party - I'm still very new to astronomy but enjoying it immensely, I'm looking forward to this :-)

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Just got the goahead from my wife. I will be able to make it. This will be my first star-gazing party - I'm still very new to astronomy but enjoying it immensely, I'm looking forward to this :-)

Are you traveling from Germany or are you here anyway.

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I was there last year (SGL 6 2011) and if I remember correctly, Wednesday night was about 80% cloudy, great opportunity to meet a few people and have a few drinks and do some quick views.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were clear with great views of the Milky Way. There is an orange glow from Hereford, but it does not hinder the view.

On Sunday night, NickK and myself were "tented-in" with 100% cloudy skies, heavy rain and strong winds. Nick showed me the great imagines that he had taken the previous evenings and demonstrated the black art of imagine processing. It was a real eye-opener.

I was able to drink the cans of Guinness young Tom had left me earlier in the day. We had a great time drinking, talking and imagine processing.

There is a friendly pub nearby. (The pub apparently has changed hands, I will give one of the locals I got to know a call about what is happening there....)

I am booking to go to this year's event.



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<omnipotence> The curse of staying is people leave you offerings of alcoholic beverages!</omnipotence>

I have to thank Kev for the bottles of Bulmers Pear cider! The party keg of summer lightning disappeared quickly ... must have been those ducks... or possibly steve from wolves :D

It'll be good to catch up - this time it'll be a party keg or two and bottles of wine I think.

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I'm sorry for anyone who has missed out on a pitch, but I'm also excited about meeting lots of new stargazers.

Anybody new is welcome at our tent to view - Astronut and I only do observing (we have not turned to the dark side!) so anyone is welcome to have a peek in our eyepieces.

How about this for a laugh?...I'm thingking of bringing my binoviewer, and Ian and I both have 13mm Ethos eyepieces....we might try loading them all into the back of his scope. Do you think it'll tip over?!:):):D

Looking forward to enjoying some bevvies with you guys!

(Might even see some stars...after the bevvies.:(:))

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The 13mm Ethos was actually re-designed by Tele Vue after an initial run to make it a little thinner so that it could be used in binoviewers. I'd love to have a peek though. Hope Ian's focuser is a stout one !.

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Hope Ian's focuser is a stout one !.

I thought of lots of really inappropriate replies to that, and then I decided to save barkis the trouble of moderating me...:(:icon_salut: (Don't want Ron to think I'm a bad girl!):evil:

You would, of course, be most welcome to peek, with or without the binoviewer.:D

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...You would, of course, be most welcome to peek, with or without the binoviewer.:icon_salut:

Thanks - that would be fun. Ian was the 1st SGL person I met and chatted to at an SGL star party - SGL 4 I guess that would have been.

See you there :evil:

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Thanks - that would be fun. Ian was the 1st SGL person I met and chatted to at an SGL star party - SGL 4 I guess that would have been.

See you there :evil:

SGL4 was also my first star party and it was where I first met Ian. Romantic eh? (It's a good job he fancied me and not you...):icon_salut::D:D

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SGL4 was also my first star party and it was where I first met Ian. Romantic eh? (It's a good job he fancied me and not you...):icon_salut::D:D

Yep - I don't know how I would have explained things to my other half :evil:

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