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ISS observing through scope?

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I set up the st 120 on an az3 tripod last night to try to catch the ISS pass at 10.18pm as it was a very bright, and long, pass.

:) Doesn't it move fast, especially when passing overhead.

I could definitely make out two separate points of light at 20x mag when overhead, and at 40x mag when it was in the distance, but no more structure than that.

I'll probably be better prepared next time, and line it up using the quikfinder (batteries flat yesterday) rather then scanning the sky at random' but does anyone have any tips on ISS viewing with a scope? What mag is required, and is it possible to follow it at that mag?


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I have followed it with the dob at 136x (8.8mm UWA). Only for a few seconds, but long enough to see a fair amount of detail. I used the finder to get in the right place, slightly ahead of it, then switched to the eyepiece and hauled the scope in the right direction. I picked it up as it was rising, lost it almost overhead, then picked it up again as it heading away.

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I used Stellarium to see it's trajectory and placed my telescope in a fashion to intercept it's course. The lights were very blinding so I couldn't see much definition. I also had it on low power so I will attempt to remedy this next time. Having a Dobsonian doesn't help in tracking it but it surely gave me a challenge!

I wish you good luck since it is quite a fast little "******".

I have to admit that watching it through binoculars gave me a more pleasant experience though.


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