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Adam Block DVD - Making Every Pixel Count

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I have been astro imaging for roughly 12 months now and the main thing that I have learnt is that you need to know how to process astro images. I own Pixinsight and photoshop and to be honest I don't really know enough about either to do myself credit in the processing department.:icon_eek:

I have been given some great tips in photoshop recently by a SGL member and it has inspired me to improve further. I have tried my best with PixInsight and Harry's videos are brilliant.....DBE and Background Neutralisation I will always use....but Photoshop seems just so much more flexible beacuse of layers, making and blending modes.

Because of this I went ahead and bought the DVD, Making Every Pixel Count by Adam Block. Not even looked at it yet but I have the pleasure of watching it for the next 9.5 hours:eek: I'll hopefully write a review when I get to the end, plenty of cloudy nights coming up so enough time to watch the DVD I suppose.:)

Anyone else got the DVD? What did you think of it?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have found it very useful indeed. Some of the tutorials are quiet long, but stick with it. You will learn some good techniques and tricks.

I had to get my friend in Ohio to order the CD and send it to me as it's not available in the UK.

Hope you enjoy it.

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It is available in the UK, you just order it from Adam's web site. I have the original Making Every Pixel Count and the additional "Powerful Processing in Photoshop". They are very very useful. He goes through things very slowly which is good when discussing complex concepts but can get a bit tedious at times, in fact I often find myself falling asleep!

It is interesting that he does some things quite differently to others e.g. Ron Wodaski. He has no qualms in doing most of his image stretching using levels and appears to cut into the star levels. It certainly works for his images but not when I try this on mine!

I have certainly learnt a lot from using his DVDs. At some point I mean to have a look at them again since you learn more as you keep revisiting, or just find different ways of doing things.

He also does an excellent DVD for CCDStack. Not many people on SGL use CCDStack but it is a terrific piece of software

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As Martin says the DVD is available in the UK direct from Adam Block's website. Delivery of mine took only 4 days.

I am plowing my way through the dvd when I do get time spare. It is very detailed and does indeed get pretty tedious.......but if you wish to learn everything about Photoshop from an astro imaging point of view then the tedium is worthwhile.

The narrative and walk through are very clear and precise and easily understood and the examples showing the result of a process add to the experience.

Overall, despite being hard going at time, the DVD is an excellent resourse in processing astro images in Photoshop.

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Failed I have failed wo wo and thrice wo :)


Oh Harry, "your faults as a teacher are my failure as an imager" ;)

Seriously, I'll always use Pixinsight, it has some seriously good tools but I'm more familiar with Photoshop and the flexibility of layers and blending is something that I just can't do without.

DBE, background neutralisation and colour calibration are superb tools in Pix though.

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