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Help with M27

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8 bits in each of three channels. Means you get 256 shades of grey in each colour channel. An astro camera gives 16000 shades of grey


you might want to edit that..

webcam has 2^8 per colour = 256 grey levels

astro cam has 2^16 = 65536 grey levels

PS.. I've been reading through your website... excellent stuff:icon_salut:


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I think I left my arithmetic in the pub - quite right, 65536 doh!!!

...except in reality it is less than that, due to digitisation of the bias etc. Most astro-cams are closer to 14 bits in practical terms.

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  • 2 years later...

Nicely done! (2 years late...)

I've come across this thread while looking for gain and brightness settings. I'm not sure where to put them at in sharpcap.

Ever since I now manage >200s exposures with PHD guiding, I'm wondering whether I should go for lower settings and longer exposures. Any thoughts on that? It should decrease the noise methinks.

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