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my first widefield shots.

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hi all, im very new to imaging so go easy lol! over the last few months alot of you have helped me in understanding what i could and what i couldn't get out of my equipment. i started wanting to do the great images seen with hours of processing and exposures at prime focus! luckly i got told that what im trying to do is a steep learning curve and 1 that with my gear will be close to impossible (eq2 mount, unguided, having to use a barlow lens as my telescope does not have enough inward focus) anyway 1 person on here told me to try starting with widefield piggybacked. (i really was trying to run before i could walk) anyway he tought me roughly how to do it and what i could expect. so a few nights ago i got my first image. i was blown away with how much detail i had and how good it looked! (for a newbie anyway)! but knowing that i caught this and processed on my own. i was hooked and wanted more. so i did another. this time a part of the milky way.. i have attached the images below.

anyway im going on cause im still excited but i love this. all you guys helped me in achiveing these so thank you to all.

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Hi CAL1985

as i said on your other thread, along with your obvious enthusiasm, these images, especially the last one, show signs of taking your hobby to a very good level. I never thought that any type of imaging was possible with the type of equipment that you have (apart from the camera). i'm not one to criticize, only being a DSO imager (and not a very good one at that!), but please next time, avoid the washing line and the LP! Lol.

looking forward to seeing more!



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Great shot there. Please can you post up the settings on the camera, exposure time etc and any filters used.

Hi Smeech, the camera was a unmodifed canon 300d no filters were used. it was piggybacked on a skywatcher 130/900 on a eq2 mount with a standard eq2 motor (modified so that it runs of the mains instead of 9v battery). the lens was a 35-70mm used at 35mm 3.5aperture. iso was 200 and only 1 exposure of 8min 30sec. i wanted more but kept giving up because of the washing line lol!! when i went back to review the images there was only this one left that i hadn't already deleted. so just the 1 exposure processed with gimp. with no darks or flats.

looking like its going to be a clear night tonight so will do another with more exposures and hopefully setup with no washing line. !! thank you all for your comments as well. these are most apreciated.


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Photo's are always better with something in the foreground. Maybe a tree next time!

Honestly though it is a great shot. Amasing what you can do with a camera. I'm looking for a similar set up. Contemplating getting an EQ1 with motor and attaching my camera.

Hope the next shot comes out just as well.

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Great pictures you got there

Can I ask about focusing using the camera this way. Was it autofocus/manual

hi jnc, the focus was manually done, set to infinity then stepped back ever so slightly. i had the camera attached to a program called APT (astro photography tool) this way after a picture is taken, it displays on the screen and there is a focus guide which is extremely helpful. if you have a camera with live view its even better. (which i dont) but with live view the program gives a score as you focus the camera on a star, as you move the focus, the score decreases with better focus. i had to take a few shots on a brightish star and review the score until the focus was as good as i could achive. i really cant stress how good this program is, you can control the whole camera settings and zoom in as well. achive very good focus, and there is a free version.(some of the gadets are disabled) but it has everything you could need with the free version. also i just had a look at your tag,. and as far as im aware the program is designed for your camera! it was mae for canon eos models. so your 400d will work a treat with this.

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Well done. :)

I don't have a DLSR, but will certainly be looking to piggy back on my TAL when it is all back up and running. and I have the camera as well.

Seeing what others have achieved without spending massive £££'s gives me hope some of my images will be half decent. :icon_eek:

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hi the stoat.

i used the drift align method. but i use my camera attached to a 2x barlow as well. i have the camera set up at prime focus then take a 3min image of a bright star in the south, after the exposure i review this , if there is any drift in vertical then i adjust the mount in west and east movement depending if the trail was up or down. i keep doing this until there is very little drift after 3mins. then move to a star in the west, take another 3min exposure. when reviewed if there is any drift in the vertical then i adjust the latitude until up or down until the drift has gone. then go back to the star and make sure everything is still good. and just keep going until it is as good as you can get it.

it takes ages but it was well worth it, as i use a barlow as well, you can detected more trailling in shorter exposures. it took me about 5-6 hours but once i got this as good as possible. i marked out on the floor where each leg is. now it takes about 10-15 min just to make fine ajustments. i will admit with my set up i cant get no more than about 1min exposures at prime focus with no wind i can get the occasional 2 min shot. but 45 sec is what i find best, with the widefiled piggybacked it is really good, with up to about 10 mins, without bad trails.

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I had a fiddle with the glob image and after days of ceaseless toil I came up with........... well not a lot really.:)

Only kidding.

There is detail hidden in there but it is difficult to separate stars from 'noise' and if sharpened too much artefacts appear on the scene..

Anyhow,with a darkened background it looks a bit better.


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there is a new update for it. you cant use the program button to take a set of exposures and you need to set the exposure to 30'' then change to bulb on the camera and use a remote switch to take the shot...... wow it sounds terrible now! lol! but the pics came out good

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ok so i had another go last night, not as happy with this 1. had to wait a little longer for the stars to drift past my washing line ! but that time it started to get light ! really must get rid of that line !

anyway this is an image of the milkyway in post-26172-1338776161_thumb.jpgcygnus.

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