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My new dual scope alt-az set-up

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I've taken the step to alt-az after using equatorial mounts for years! I have a fantastic new AstroEngineering Giro dual mount. So well made and such smooth motions, but the balance will need some getting used to...

Nice to have white light and Hydrogen alpha side-by-side:

On the right - my new mak 127 with AE sol-vu filter

On the left - ED120 with PST mod

Also worked very nicely getting a quick view of Saturn the other night.

Been a funny day today, weather-wise. I set up under bright sunshine, a few seconds later heavy clouds came over and it started raining! A few minutes after that I took this pic under sunshine again :)




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That looks great and Andrew :p

I'm a great fan of the simple alt-az mount - balance can be fun though, eg: going from a ortho to an Ethos :)

Well I'm more worried about the other way round, taking out a heavy eyepiece, the front end dropping like a stone and hurling the ERF to the ground :p

Note to self: check ERF cell fitting!

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