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EQMOD Tracking Problems


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EQMOD Tracking Problems.

Hi I am trying to get my basic tracking right before taking on auto guiding.

So far I have had so few clear nights since I got the scope pier mounted. (Is a Sad Smiley an oxymoron)

I am also limited to 1-2 hour sessions for personal reasons.

Using NEQ6, EQDIR, EDMOD ASCOM, Sellarium, Stellariumscope, Rumblepad 2, DSLR (7D).

I have Polar aligned, drift aligned (camera method) and tracking was getting there.

Since then I have introduced EQMOD into the mix.

As far as I can tell everything works as I can slew around to my hearts desire with stellarium or the gamepad.

However I am having 2 problems.

First, is using the Rumblepad to align (sync).

If I use the direction pad to adjust the scopes position the accept/adjust sync point dialogue disappears.

If I use the left joystick the align process works OK as far as I can tell.

This is not a problem unless it is a symptom of something else.

Second, I think that after aligning I somehow managed to turn off tracking. I did not consciously listen to the drives unfortunately.

I took a few subs, darks etc. but this morning found they were all star trails. The subs trails do join up.

I need to check if it ended up not on sidereal. (TODO).

So 2 questions.

What is the difference between the direction pad and the joystick?

Can aligning turn off tracking?

If the answer is RTFM then I will hang my head in shame. Any ideas?

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Had a play during daylight. I think I am convinced that tracking was turned off, as it is when parked.

However I can't find a way of selecting a target, slewing to it and not having tracking on.

Still baffled.

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Thanks Martin_H, I guess sounds would help detect clumsy fingers in the dark.

Here is my button settings:


I cant see what can go wrong with those settings, can you?

There must be something simple.

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Just an update for anyone else who has the same problem.

While I do not understand why, I have found a combination that works for me.

Turn off EQMOD sync dialogue.

Set button 9 (my choice) to sync rather than accept.

No button for cancel.

To sync use Ctrl-1 to goto star.

Nudge with either POV or joystick.

Do a lazy double click on button 9 (sync).

And all seem to work from there.

I may be in the manual or the videos but I can't find it.

I still do not know why the dialogue should disappear on any use of the rumble pad buttons but at least I can now align with the rumblepad 2.

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