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Hello from Wexford


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My name is Rory and I'm from Wexford Ireland. I'm 44 years old.

I bought a cheap telescope when I was quite young, about 12 years old but didn't really get past looking at the Sun, Moon and Venus with it. I didn't know what to look for or how to look, didn't know anyone else interested in astronomy soon lost interest myself.

That said whenever I found myself under a clear dark sky I enjoyed the show and would occiasionlly go out and watch if a meteor shower, an eclipse or a comet was predicted.

Anyway, in the cold December of 2009 we had a lot of clear skys around here and while taking my dog (called Yogi, hence my username) for his nightly walk I began to notice things in the heavens even under urban skys. Mars in particular. I watched his progress across the sky for a few weeks, uncertain of what it was, but thinking it was Mars. Eventually I went online and checked, was happy to see I had been right and that little bit of research opened my eyes to the amazing astronomical resources available on the internet.

Then I jumped in a made another telescope purchase. Acting on the (bad) advice of a pharmacist who deals in optical products I bought a 70mm zoom spotting scope, which was quite a nice instrument in many ways, but was not very suitable for astronomy and my interest waned again. I gave the 'scope away last Christmas, but the astronomy bug had bitten me by then.

Since that experience I have been doing more methodical research and naked eye astronomy when the clouds permit. I must say that there is great advice available online and this forum has been a big help over the last few weeks. I've got friend of mine interested now and he found a useful book (The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe, published by DK) in the local library. I bought a planisphere and have begun to print out the monthly evening chart from Skymaps.com - Publication Quality Sky Maps & Star Charts.

Eighteen months ago I could identity a handful of stars and two constellations, now by using my two eyes and the maps and charts my knowledge of the night sky is expanding rapidly.

I had a great night tonight after weeks of cloudy sky. In a few hours I identified Saturn for the first time, along with the Corona Borealis, Hercules, Vega and Lyra. I saw three meteors (in the vicinity of Hercules) and countless satellites (they are way more numerous than 20 years ago and a lot more of them flare).

Informed naked eye astronomy is a lot more satisfying than trying to resolve the Orion nebula through light pollution and an unsuitable telescope.

That said, last week I ordered a pair of Strathspey 10x50 binoculars and can't wait for them to arrive. I'm not rushing into buying a 'scope this time. I live in the centre of town and don't drive so light pollution is a bit of a problem, that said I can make out the major stars over a limited field of view from my little back yard and am quite happy to walk a few miles out of town for a better view.

Anyway, I think I've said enough for now, but am sure I will hanging around the beginners help and advice section for the next while.

Thanks for reading and clear skys,


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Welcome from Cork to the forum. Lots of good and interesting advice here. I'm new to astronomy also and found great advice here, some of which I heeded! The bins will be great.


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Hi Rory,

Welcome to SGL.

I see you are starting to find your way around the sky but thought you might find Stellarium useful. This is a great free planatarium program that many of your fellow stargazers in the lounge find really helpful.

All the best, enjoy.

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